Updates (v1.2):
- Demonstrations of how to build a genome reference and how to run the aRNApipe in different scenarios added to the project wiki site.
- Complete guide to install aRNApipe dependencies added to the project wiki site.
- aRNApipe has been updated to work with the most recent versions of STAR (v2.5.2b), STAR-Fusion (v0.8.0) and cutadapt (v1.8.1).
- aRNApipe now includes support to perform differential alternative splicing detection using jSplice. Sample files can now be expanded with phenotype columns to perform this type of analysis.
- aRNApipe now includes support to compute insert-size statistics on paired-end RNAseq data using PicardTools.
- The Spider generates new report sections including Kallisto statistics, insert-size distribution statistics, and links to the reports generated with jSplice.
- BARCODE header in the samples files (samples.list) has been replaced by SampleID.
- The configuration file includes new arguments.