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thinking out a compiler for lisp syntax
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zack-bitcoin committed Feb 2, 2017
1 parent 24807cd commit b4d6d73
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Showing 4 changed files with 281 additions and 112 deletions.
271 changes: 271 additions & 0 deletions compiler_lisp.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
-export([doit/1, test/0]).
-define(int_bits, 32).

test() ->
{ok, Text} = file:read_file("examples/first.scm"),

doit(A) ->
B = remove_comments(A),
C = add_spaces(B),
Words = to_words(C, <<>>, []),
Tree = hd(to_lists(Words)),
%get macros
%apply macros
%rename vars in functions. That way we have dynamic scope. Replace every first var with V1, second with V2, etc.
%get functions. load up a dictionary of the functions
Functions = get_functions(Tree),
%apply functions. replace the function's name with the hash of it's contents.
var_number_check(Tree, Functions),%checks that every function has the right number of inputs.
List = rpn(Tree),
List2 = remove_functions(List),%functions are named by the hash of their contents. So remove the names from the code.
Opcodes = to_opcodes(List2, Functions, Variables),
{Words, Tree, Tree2, Opcodes}.
remove_functions(_) ->

to_lists(Words) ->
case to_lists(Words, [], 0) of
{ok, X} -> X;
{_, _} -> io:fwrite("too many close parenthasis ) \n")

to_lists([<<")">>|T], X, _)->
{lists:reverse(X), T};
to_lists([<<"(">>|T], X, N) ->
{H, T2} = to_lists(T, [], N+1),
to_lists(T2, [H|X], N);
to_lists([A|T], X, N) ->
to_lists(T, [A|X], N);
to_lists([], X, 0) ->
{ok, lists:reverse(X)};
to_lists(_, _, N) when N > 0->
io:fwrite("not enough close parenthasis )").

to_words(<<>>, <<>>, Out) -> lists:reverse(Out);
to_words(<<>>, N, Out) -> lists:reverse([N|Out]);
to_words(<<"\t", B/binary>>, X, Out) ->
to_words(<<" ", B/binary>>, X, Out);
to_words(<<"\n", B/binary>>, X, Out) ->
to_words(<<" ", B/binary>>, X, Out);
to_words(<<" ", B/binary>>, <<"">>, Out) ->
to_words(B, <<>>, Out);
to_words(<<" ", B/binary>>, N, Out) ->
to_words(B, <<>>, [N|Out]);
to_words(<<C:8, B/binary>>, N, Out) ->
to_words(B, <<N/binary, C:8>>, Out).

remove_till(N, <<N:8, B/binary>>) -> B;
remove_till(N, <<_:8, B/binary>>) ->
remove_till(N, B).
remove_comments(B) -> remove_comments(B, <<"">>).
remove_comments(<<"">>, Out) -> Out;
remove_comments(<<37:8, B/binary >>, Out) -> % [37] == "%".
C = remove_till(10, B), %10 is '\n'
remove_comments(C, Out);
remove_comments(<<X:8, B/binary>>, Out) ->
remove_comments(B, <<Out/binary, X:8>>).
add_spaces(B) -> add_spaces(B, <<"">>).
add_spaces(<<"">>, B) -> B;
add_spaces(<<40:8, B/binary>>, Out) -> % (
add_spaces(B, <<Out/binary, 32:8, 40:8, 32:8>>);
add_spaces(<<41:8, B/binary>>, Out) -> % )
add_spaces(B, <<Out/binary, 32:8, 41:8, 32:8>>);
add_spaces(<<X:8, B/binary >>, Out) ->
add_spaces(B, <<Out/binary, X:8>>).
w2o(<<"+">>) ->
{50, 2, 1};%{opcode, inputs, outputs}
w2o(<<"*">>) ->
{52, 2, 1};
%w2o(<<"int">>) ->%its an integer
% {0, 1, 1};
w2o(<<"define">>) ->
{59, 3, 0};
w2o(X) ->
B = is_int(X),
B -> {int, X, 0, 1};
true ->
C = is_64(X),
C -> {is_64, X, 0, 1};
true ->
is_int(<<>>) -> true;
is_int(<<X:8, Y/binary>>) ->
((X>47) and (X<57)) and is_int(Y).
-define(binary, <<45:8, 45:8>>).
is_64(<<?binary/binary, Y/binary>>) ->
is_64(_) -> false.
is_64_2(<<>>) -> true;
is_64_2(<<X:8, Y/binary>>) ->
or ((X>64) and (X<90))
or ((X>96) and (X<122))
or (X == hd("/"))
or (X == hd("+")))
and is_64_2(Y).
encode(X) ->
Y = base64:encode(X),
<<?binary/binary, Y/binary>>.
decode(X) ->
<<?binary/binary, Y/binary>>,

var_number_check([], F) -> 0;
var_number_check([H|T], F) ->
{In, Out} =
case get_dict(H, F) of
{error, undefined_function} ->
{_Op, I, Ot} = w2o(H),
{I, Ot};
Z ->
{, Z#func.out}
In = var_number_check2(T),

var_number_check2([]) -> 0;
var_number_check2([H|T]) when is_list(H) ->
var_number_check(H) +
var_number_check2([H|T]) ->
rpn([]) -> [];
rpn([H|T]) ->
rpn2(T) ++ [H].
rpn2([]) -> [];
rpn2([H|T]) when is_list(H) ->
rpn2([H|T]) ->
to_opcodes(Tree, Funcs, Vars) ->
List = flatten(Tree),
to_ops(List, Funcs, Vars).
flatten([]) -> [];
flatten([H|T]) ->
flatten(H) ++ flatten(T);
flatten(X) -> [X].
to_ops([], _, _) -> [];
to_ops([H|T], Funcs, Vars) ->
{X, V2} = case w2o(H) of
{Op, _, _} ->
{[Op], Vars};
{int, Op, _, _} ->
{[0, Op], Vars};
{is_64, Op, _, _} ->
S = size(decode(Op)),
{[2, <<S:32>>, Op], Vars};
not_op ->
case get_dict(X, Funcs) of
{error, undefined_function} ->
%so it is a variable then.
{Y, Vars2} = absorb_var(X, Vars),
{[Y|Out], Vars2};
Z ->
S = size(Z),
%io:fwrite("hash of function is "),
Y = <<2, S:32, Z/binary>>,
{[Y|Out], Vars}
X ++ to_ops(T, Funcs, V2).

absorb_var(Variable, {D, Many}) ->
<<X:8, _/binary>> = Variable,
B = ((X > 64) and (X < 90))
or ((X>96) and (X < 122)),
B -> ok;
true ->
io:fwrite("absorb var error "),
io:fwrite(" \n"),
X = 0
%true = X > 64, %variables start with capitals
%true = X < 90,
case dict:find(Variable, D) of
error ->
NewD = dict:store(Variable, Many, D),
{<<0, Many:32>>, {NewD, Many+1}};
{ok, Var} ->
{<<0, Var:32>>, {D, Many}}

get_func(Key, Funcs) ->
dict:fetch(Key, Funcs).
get_functions(Tree) ->
get_functions(Tree, dict:new(), {dict:new(), 1}).
get_functions([<<"define">>|[Name|[Vars|Code]]], Functions, Variables) ->
Opcodes = compile_func(Name, Vars, Code, Functions, Variables),
%Opcodes = to_opcodes(Code, Functions, Variables2),
Signature = hash:doit(Opcodes),
case dict:find(Name, Functions) of
error ->
NewFunctions = dict:store(Name, Signature, Functions),
{X, _} ->
io:fwrite("can't name 2 functions the same. reused name: "),
X = okay
get_functions([H|T], Functions, Variables) ->
F2 = get_functions(H, Functions, Variables),
get_functions(T, F2, Variables);
get_functions(_, F, _) ->

define_vars([], Name, Variables, Out) -> {Out, Variables};
define_vars([V|T], Name, Variables, Out) ->
{Y, Variables2} = absorb_var(V++Name, Variables),
define_vars(T, Name, Variables2, [Y|Out]).

compile_func(Name, Vars, Code, Functions, Variables) ->
V2 = lists:reverse(Vars),
{Out, Variables2} = define_vars(V2, Name, Variables, []),
Code2 = replace_vars(Code, Vars, Name),
{Out ++ Code2, Variables2}.

dictify([], _, D) -> D;
dictify([V|T], N, D) ->
NewD = dict:store(V, 274877906943 - N),
dictify(T, N+1, NewD).

absorb_vars(Name, [V|T], Variables) ->
{Y, Variables2} = absorb_var(<<Name/binary, V/binary>>, Variables),
{YL, Variables3} = absorb_vars(Name, T, Variables2),
{[Y|YL], Variables3}.

compile_func(FuncName, Vars, Code, Variables) ->
V = absorb_vars(Name, Vars, Variables),
Keys = dict:fetch_keys(V),
++ compile_code(Code, Keys, V, Variables).
load_vars([]) -> [];
load_vars([H|T]) ->
compile_code(Code, Keys, V, Variables) ->
Code2 = replace_vars(Code, V),
to_opcodes(Code, Functions, Variables).

% (x y) (* x y)
% Y ! X ! X @ Y @ *
8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion examples/first.scm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1,7 @@
(* (+ (int 1) (int 2)) (int 5))
% (* (+ 1 2) 5)

(define Square (x) (* x x))

% (Square 5)

% ((lambda (x) (* x x)) 6)
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/compiler_chalang.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -284,12 +284,13 @@ print_binary(<<A:8, B/binary>>) ->
print_binary(<<>>) -> ok.
absorb_var(Variable, {D, Many}) ->
<<X:8, _/binary>> = Variable,
B = (X > 64) and (X < 90),
B = ((X > 64) and (X < 90))
or ((X>96) and (X < 122)),
B -> ok;
true ->
io:fwrite("absorb var error "),
io:fwrite(" \n"),
X = 0
Expand Down

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