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This quickstart consists of a basic hasura project with a simple react as well as a nodejs express app running on it. Once this project is deployed on to a hasura cluster, you will have the react app running at and the nodejs app will run at

This is the right place to start if you are planning to build or want to learn to build a react app with hasura.



This quickstart project comes with the following by default:

  1. A basic hasura project
  2. Two tables article and author with some dummy data
  3. A basic react app which runs at the ui subdomain which fetches a list of articles available
  4. A basic nodejs-express app which runs on the api subdomain.


Follow this section to get this project working. Before you begin, ensure you have the latest version of hasura cli tool installed.

Step 1: Getting the project

$ hasura quickstart hello-react
$ cd hello-react

The above command does the following:

  1. Creates a new folder in the current working directory called hello-react.
  2. Creates a new hasura cluster, under your logged in account, for you and sets that cluster as the default cluster for this project.
  3. Initializes hello-react as a git repository and adds the necessary git remotes.
  4. Adds your SSH public key to the cluster so that you can push to it.

Step 2: Getting cluster information

Every hasura project is run on a Hasura cluster. To get details about the cluster this project is running on:

$ hasura cluster status

This will give you your cluster status like so

INFO Status:                                      
Cluster Name:       h34-fisherman22-stg
Cluster Alias:      hasura
Kube Context:       h34-fisherman22-stg
Platform Version:   v0.15.3
Cluster State:      Synced

Keep a note of your cluster name or use the following command to see the list of clusters you have created:

$ hasura clusters list

Alternatively, you can also go to your hasura dashboard and see the clusters you have.

Step 3: Deploying on a hasura cluster

To deploy your app:

$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Initial Commit"
$ git push hasura master

Once the above commands are executed successfully, head over to (in this case to view your react app.

Alternatively, you can use hasura microservice open ui to open the browser and navigate to that link automatically.

Api console

Every hasura cluster comes with an api console that gives you a GUI to test out the BaaS features of hasura. To open the api console

$ hasura api-console

Data APIs

Hasura provides ready to use data APIs to make powerful data queries on your tables. This means that you have ready-to-use JSON APIs on any tables created. The URL to be used to make these queries is always of the type: (in this case

As mentioned earlier, this quickstart app comes with two pre-created tables author and article.


column type
id integer NOT NULL primary key
name text NOT NULL


column type
id serial NOT NULL primary key
title text NOT NULL
content text NOT NULL
rating numeric NOT NULL
author_id integer NOT NULL

Alternatively, you can also view the schema for these tables on the api console by heading over to the tab named data as shown in the screenshots below.

Data1 Data2

This means that you can now leverage the hasura data queries to perform CRUD operations on these tables.

The react app uses these data APIs to show the respective data, to see it in action check out (replace cluster-name with your cluster name) and check out api.js at microservices/ui/app/src/api.js to see how the calls are being made. You can also check out all the APIs provided by Hasura from the api console by heading over to the API EXPLORER tab.

For eg, to fetch a list of all articles from the article table, you have to send the following JSON request to the data api endpoint -> (replace cluster-name with your cluster name)

    "type": "select",
    "args": {
        "table": "article",
        "columns": [

To learn more about the data APIs, head over to our docs

Auth APIs

Every app almost always requires some form of authentication. This is useful to identify a user and provide some sort of personalised experience to the user. Hasura provides various types of authentication (username/password, mobile/otp, email/password, Google, Facebook etc).

You can try out these in the API EXPLORER tab of the api console. To learn more, check out our docs

The react app in this quickstart shows us an example of the username/password authentication. To see it in action navigate to and also take a look at the auth.js file to see how this is done in code.

Filestore APIs

Sometimes, you would want to upload some files to the cloud. This can range from a profile pic for your user or images for things listed on your app. You can securely add, remove, manage, update files such as pictures, videos, documents using Hasura filestore.

You can try out these in the API EXPLORER tab of the api console. To learn more, check out our docs

The react app in this quickstart shows us an example of uploading a file to the filestore. To see it in action navigate to and take a look at filestore.js for the code.

Custom Service

There might be cases where you might want to perform some custom business logic on your APIs. For example, sending an email/sms to a user on sign up or sending a push notification to the mobile device when some event happens. For this, you would want to create your own custom service which does these for you on the endpoints that you define.

This quickstart comes with one such custom service written in nodejs using the express framework. Check it out in action at . Currently, it just returns a "Hello-React" at that endpoint.

In case you want to use another language/framework for your custom service. Take a look at our docs to see how you can add a new custom service.

Migrate from an existing react app

If you have an existing create-react-app and would like to migrate it to Hasura:

  • Replace the microservices/ui/app directory with your app directory.
  • Ensure that the structure of the ui directory is
└─── app
|     └───src
|     └───public
|     |   package.json
|    Dockerfile
|    k8s.yaml
  • cd path-to-hello-react/hello-react
  • git add . && git commit -m "Migration Commit"
  • git push hasura master

Now your existing app should be running on

Local development

Everytime you push, your code will get deployed on a public URL. However, for faster iteration you should locally test your changes.

Testing your react app locally

$ cd microservices/ui/app
$ npm i && npm start                #npm i first, since you need to install the nodules excluded by the gitignore.

Testing your custom service locally

Since we are directly accessing the internal data endpoint (Read more about internal and external endpoints here) in the nodejs-express app. We need to forward our requests to the port at which the data service is running.

$ hasura forward -s data -n hasura --local-port 6432 --remote-port 8080
$ cd microservices/api/app
$ ENVIRONMENT=dev npm start


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  • JavaScript 99.9%
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