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🎬 Debrid Media Bridge 🎬


📜 Description

Debrid Media Bridge (DMB) is an All-In-One (AIO) docker image for the unified deployment of Riven Media's, yowmamasita's, iPromKnight's, Nick Craig-Wood's, Michael Stonebraker's, and Dave Page's projects -- Riven, Zurg, Zilean, rclone, PostgreSQL, and pgAdmin 4.

⚠️ IMPORTANT: Docker Desktop CANNOT be used to run DMB. Docker Desktop does not support the mount propagation required for rclone mounts.


See the wiki for alternative solutions to run DMB on Windows through WSL2.

🌟 Features

See the DMB Wiki for a full list of features and settings.

🐳 Docker Hub

A prebuilt image is hosted on Docker Hub.

🏷️ GitHub Container Registry

A prebuilt image is hosted on GitHub Container Registry.

🛠️ Docker-compose


The below examples are not exhaustive and are intended to provide a starting point for deployment. Additionally, the host directories used in the examples are based on Define the directory structure and provided for illustrative purposes and can be changed to suit your needs.

    container_name: DMB
    image: iampuid0/dmb:latest                                       ## Optionally, specify a specific version of DMB w/ image: iampuid0/dmb:2.0.0 
    stop_grace_period: 30s                                           ## Adjust as need to allow for graceful shutdown of the container
    stdin_open: true                                                 ## docker run -i
    tty: true                                                        ## docker run -t    
      - /home/username/docker/DMB/config:/config                     ## Location of configuration files. If a Zurg config.yml and/or Zurg app is placed here, it will be used to override the default configuration and/or app used at startup. 
      - /home/username/docker/DMB/log:/log                           ## Location for logs
      - /home/username/docker/DMB/Zurg/RD:/zurg/RD                   ## Location for Zurg RealDebrid active configuration  
      - /home/username/docker/DMB/Zurg/mnt:/data:shared              ## Location for rclone mount to host
      - /home/username/docker/DMB/Riven/data:/riven/backend/data     ## Location for Riven backend data
      - /home/username/docker/DMB/Riven/mnt:/mnt                     ## Location for Riven symlinks
      - /home/username/docker/DMB/PostgreSQL/data:/postgres_data     ## Location for PostgreSQL database
      - /home/username/docker/DMB/pgAdmin4/data:/pgadmin/data        ## Location for pgAdmin 4 data
      - /home/username/docker/DMB/Zilean/data:/zilean/app/data       ## Location for Zilean data
      - TZ=
      - PUID=
      - PGID=
      - ZURG_ENABLED=true      
      - RD_API_KEY=
      - ZILEAN_ENABLED=true
      - RIVEN_ENABLED=true
      - ORIGIN=                                  ## See Riven documentation for more details
      - PGADMIN_SETUP_EMAIL=                                        ## Set if using pgAdmin 4 - Ex. [email protected]
      - PGADMIN_SETUP_PASSWORD=                                     ## Set if using pgAdmin 4
    # network_mode: container:gluetun                               ## Example to attach to gluetun vpn container if realdebrid blocks IP address 
      - "3000:3000"                                                 ## Riven frontend
      - "5050:5050"                                                 ## pgAdmin 4
      - /dev/fuse:/dev/fuse:rwm
      - SYS_ADMIN     
      - apparmor:unconfined    
      - no-new-privileges

🎥 Example Plex Docker-compose


The Plex server must be started after the rclone mount is available. The below example uses the depends_on parameter to delay the start of the Plex server until the rclone mount is available. The rclone mount must be shared to the Plex container. The rclone mount location should not be added to the Plex library. The Riven symlink location must be shared to the Plex container and added to the Plex library.

    image: plexinc/pms-docker:latest
    container_name: plex
      - /dev/dri:/dev/dri    
      - /home/username/docker/plex/library:/config
      - /home/username/docker/plex/transcode:/transcode
      - /home/username/docker/DMB/Zurg/mnt:/data            ## rclone mount location from DMB must be shared to Plex container. Don't add to plex library
      - /home/username/docker/DMB/Riven/mnt:/mnt            ## Riven symlink location from DMB must be shared to Plex container. Add to plex library    
      - TZ=${TZ}
      - PLEX_UID=                                           ## Same as PUID
      - PLEX_GID=                                           ## Same as PGID
      - PLEX_CLAIM=claimToken                               ## Need for the first run of Plex - get claimToken here
      - "32400:32400"
      test: curl --connect-timeout 15 --silent --show-error --fail http://localhost:32400/identity
      interval: 1m00s
      timeout: 15s
      retries: 3
      start_period: 1m00s
    depends_on:                                            ## Used to delay the startup of plex to ensure the rclone mount is available.
      DMB:                                                 ## set to the name of the container running rclone
        condition: service_healthy 
        restart: true                                       ## Will automatically restart the plex container if the DMB container restarts

📦 Docker Run

Docker CLI

docker run -d \
  --name=DMB \
  --restart unless-stopped \
  -e TZ= \
  -e PUID= \
  -e PGID= \
  -e ZURG_ENABLED=true \
  -e RD_API_KEY= \
  -e ZILEAN_ENABLED=true \
  -e RIVEN_ENABLED=true \
  -e ORIGIN=http://
  -v /path/to/config:/config \
  -v /path/to/log:/log \
  -v /path/to/Zurg/RD:/zurg/RD \
  -v /path/to/Zurg/mnt:/data:shared \
  -v /path/to/Riven/data:/riven/backend/data \
  -v /path/to/Riven/mnt:/mnt \
  -v /path/to/PostgreSQL/data:/postgres_data \
  -v /path/to/pgAdmin4/data:/pgadmin/data \
  -v /path/to/Zilean/data:/zilean/app/data \
  -p 3000:3000 \
  -p 5050:5050 \
  --device /dev/fuse:/dev/fuse:rwm \
  --cap-add SYS_ADMIN \
  --security-opt apparmor:unconfined \
  --security-opt no-new-privileges \

🔨 Docker Build

Docker CLI

docker build -t your-image-name

🌐 Environment Variables

To customize some properties of the container, the following environment variables can be passed via the -e parameter (one for each variable), or via the docker-compose file within the environment: section, or with a .env file saved to the config directory -- See the wiki for more info on using the .env. Value of this parameter has the format <VARIABLE_NAME>=<VALUE>.

Variable Description Default Used w/ rclone Used w/ Riven Used w/ Zurg
TZ TimeZone used by the container
PUID The user ID of the user running the container 1001 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
PGID The group ID of the user running the container 1001 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
RD_API_KEY RealDebrid API key none ✔️ ✔️
AD_API_KEY AllDebrid API key none ✔️ ✔️
RCLONE_MOUNT_NAME A name for the rclone mount none ✔️
RCLONE_DIR The parent directory for the rclone mount /data ✔️
RCLONE_LOGS Set value to OFF To disable the rclone process logging ON ✔️
RCLONE_LOG_LEVEL Log level for rclone - To suppress logs set value to OFF NOTICE ✔️
RCLONE_LOG_FILE Log file for rclone none ✔️
RCLONE_DIR_CACHE_TIME How long a directory should be considered up to date and not refreshed from the backend #optional, but recommended is 10s. 10s ✔️
RCLONE_CACHE_DIR Directory used for caching. none ✔️
RCLONE_VFS_CACHE_MODE Cache mode for VFS none ✔️
RCLONE_VFS_CACHE_MAX_SIZE Max size of the VFS cache none ✔️
RCLONE_VFS_CACHE_MAX_AGE Max age of the VFS cache none ✔️
PLEX_TOKEN The Plex Token associated with your Plex user none ✔️
PLEX_ADDRESS The URL of your Plex server. Example: or http://plex:32400 - format must include http:// or https:// and have no trailing characters after the port number (32400). E.g., / none ✔️
POSTGRES_DATA The location of the PostgreSQL database /postgres_data ✔️
POSTGRES_USER The username for the PostgreSQL database DMB ✔️
POSTGRES_PASSWORD The password for the PostgreSQL database postgres ✔️
POSTGRES_DB The name of the PostgreSQL database riven ✔️
PGADMIN_SETUP_EMAIL The email for the pgAdmin setup - must be set for pgAdmin 4 to run none ✔️
PGADMIN_SETUP_PASSWORD The password for the pgAdmin setup - must be set for pgAdmin 4 to run none ✔️
RIVEN_ENABLED Set the value "true" to enable the Riven backend and frontend processes false ✔️
RIVEN_BACKEND_ENABLED Set the value "true" to enable the Riven backend process false ✔️
RIVEN_FRONTEND_ENABLED Set the value "true" to enable the Riven frontend process false ✔️
RIVEN_BACKEND_BRANCH Set the value to the appropriate branch main ✔️
RIVEN_FRONTEND_BRANCH Set the value to the appropriate branch main ✔️
RIVEN_BACKEND_VERSION The version of Riven backend to use. If enabled, the value should contain v0.8.x format latest ✔️
RIVEN_FRONTEND_VERSION The version of Riven frontend to use. If enabled, the value should contain v0.8.x format latest ✔️
RIVEN_LOG_LEVEL Log level for Riven INFO ✔️
FRONTEND_LOGS Set value to OFF To disable the frontend process logging ON ✔️
BACKEND_LOGS Set value to OFF To disable the backend process logging ON ✔️
RIVEN_BACKEND_UPDATE Enable automatic updates of the Riven backend. Adding this variable will enable automatic updates to the latest version of Riven locally within the container. false ✔️
RIVEN_FRONTEND_UPDATE Enable automatic updates of the Riven frontend. Adding this variable will enable automatic updates to the latest version of Riven locally within the container. false ✔️
ORIGIN The origin URL for the Riven frontend ✔️
RIVEN_BACKEND_URL The URL for the Riven backend ✔️
RIVEN_DATABASE_HOST The database host for Riven backend postgresql+psycopg2://DMB:[email protected]/riven ✔️
RIVEN_DATABASE_URL The database URL for Riven frontend postgres://DMB:[email protected]/riven ✔️
RIVEN_FRONTEND_DIALECT The dialect for the Riven frontend - default w/o backend is sqlite, default w/ backend is postgres sqlite or postgres ✔️
HARD_RESET Set true to reset the database for Riven false ✔️
AUTO_UPDATE_INTERVAL Interval between automatic update checks in hours. Values can be any positive whole or decimal point based number. Ex. a value of .5 would yield thirty minutes, and 1.5 would yield one and a half hours 24 ✔️ ✔️
DUPLICATE_CLEANUP Automated cleanup of duplicate content in Plex. false
CLEANUP_INTERVAL Interval between duplicate cleanup in hours. Values can be any positive whole or decimal point based number. Ex. a value of .5 would yield thirty minutes and 1.5 would yield one and a half hours 24 ✔️ ✔️
DMB_LOG_LEVEL The level at which logs should be captured. See the python Logging Levels documentation for more details INFO
DMB_LOG_COUNT The number logs to retain. Result will be value + current log 2
DMB_LOG_SIZE The size of the log file before it is rotated. Valid options are 'K' (kilobytes), 'M' (megabytes), and 'G' (gigabytes) 10M
COLOR_LOG_ENABLED Enable color logging for DMB. false
ZURG_ENABLED Set the value "true" to enable the Zurg process false ✔️
GITHUB_TOKEN GitHub Personal Token for use with Zurg private repo. Requires Zurg sponsorship false ✔️
ZURG_VERSION The version of Zurg to use. If enabled, the value should contain v0.9.x or v0.9.x-hotfix.x format or "nightly" if wanting the nightly builds from Zurg private repo (requires GITHUB_TOKEN) latest ✔️
ZURG_UPDATE Enable automatic updates of Zurg. Adding this variable will enable automatic updates to the latest version of Zurg locally within the container. false ✔️
ZURG_LOG_LEVEL Set the log level for Zurg - To suppress logs set value to OFF INFO ✔️
SEERR_API_KEY The Overseerr API Key none ✔️
SEERR_ADDRESS The URL of your Overseerr server. Example: or http://Overseerr:5055 - format must include http:// or https:// and have no trailing characters after the port number (5055). E.g., / none ✔️
ZURG_USER The username to be used for protecting the Zurg endpoints. none ✔️
ZURG_PASS The password to be used for protecting the Zurg endpoints. none ✔️
ZURG_PORT The port to be used for the Zurg server random ✔️
NFS_ENABLED Set the value "true" to enable the NFS server for rclone false ✔️
NFS_PORT The port to be used for the rclone NFS server random ✔️
ZILEAN_ENABLED Set the value "true" to enable the Zilean process - Will only run when Riven backend is enabled false ✔️
ZILEAN_VERSION The version of Zilean to use. If enabled, the value should contain v1.x.x format latest ✔️
ZILEAN_BRANCH The branch of Zilean to use. main ✔️
ZILEAN_UPDATE Enable automatic updates of Zilean. Adding this variable will enable automatic updates to the latest version of Zilean locally within the container. false ✔️
ZILEAN_LOGS Set value to OFF To disable the Zilean process logging ON ✔️

🌐 Ports Used


The below examples are default and may be configurable with the use of additional environment variables.

The following table describes the ports used by the container. The mappings are set via the -p parameter or via the docker-compose file within the ports: section. Each mapping is specified with the following format: <HOST_PORT>:<CONTAINER_PORT>[:PROTOCOL].

Container port Protocol Description
3000 TCP Riven frontend - A web UI is accessible at the assigned port
8080 TCP Riven backend - The API is accessible at the assigned port
5432 TCP PostgreSQL - The SQL server is accessible at the assigned port
5050 TCP pgAdmin 4 - A web UI is accessible at the assigned port
8182 TCP Zilean - The API and Web Ui (/swagger/index.html) is accessible at the assigned port
Random (9001-9999) TCP Zurg - A web UI is accessible at the assigned port

📂 Data Volumes

The following table describes the data volumes used by the container. The mappings are set via the -v parameter or via the docker-compose file within the volumes: section. Each mapping is specified with the following format: <HOST_DIR>:<CONTAINER_DIR>[:PERMISSIONS].

Container path Permissions Description
/config rw This is where the application stores the rclone.conf, and any files needing persistence. CAUTION: rclone.conf is overwritten upon start/restart of the container. Do NOT use an existing rclone.conf file if you have other rclone services
/log rw This is where the application stores its log files
/data shared This is where rclone will be mounted.
/zurg/RD rw This is where Zurg will store the active configuration and data for RealDebrid. Not required when only utilizing Riven
/zurg/AD rw This is where Zurg will store the active configuration and data for AllDebrid. Not required when only utilizing Riven
/riven/data rw This is where Riven will store its data. Not required when only utilizing Zurg
/riven/mnt rw This is where Riven will set its symlinks. Not required when only utilizing Zurg
/postgres_data rw This is where PostgreSQL will store its data. Not required when only utilizing Zurg
/pgadmin/data rw This is where pgAdmin 4 will store its data. Not required when only utilizing Zurg

🗝️ Docker Secrets

DMB supports the use of docker secrets for the following environment variables:

Variable Description Default Used w/ rclone Used w/ Riven Used w/ zurg
GITHUB_TOKEN GitHub Personal Token ✔️
RD_API_KEY RealDebrid API key ✔️ ✔️
AD_API_KEY AllDebrid API key ✔️
PLEX_TOKEN The Plex Token associated with ✔️
PLEX_ADDRESS The URL of your Plex server. Example: or http://plex:32400 - format must include http:// or https:// and have no trailing characters after the port number (32400). E.g., / ✔️
SEERR_API_KEY The Jellyseerr or Overseerr API Key ✔️
SEERR_ADDRESS The URL of your Jellyseerr or Overseerr server. Example: or http://Overseerr:5055 - format must include http:// or https:// and have no trailing characters after the port number (8096). E.g., / ✔️
ZURG_USER The username to be used for protecting the Zurg endpoints. ✔️
ZURG_PASS The password to be used for protecting the Zurg endpoints. ✔️
PGADMIN_SETUP_EMAIL The email for the pgAdmin setup ✔️
PGADMIN_SETUP_PASSWORD The password for the pgAdmin setup ✔️

To utilize docker secrets, remove the associated environment variables from the docker-compose, create a file with the case-sensitive naming convention identified and secret value, then reference the file in the docker-compose file as shown below:

version: '3.8'

    image: iampuid0/DMB:latest
      - github_token
      - rd_api_key
      - ad_api_key
      - plex_token
      - plex_address
      - seerr_api_key
      - seerr_address

    file: ./path/to/github_token.txt
    file: ./path/to/rd_api_key.txt
    file: ./path/to/ad_api_key.txt
    file: ./path/to/plex_token.txt
    file: ./path/to/plex_address.txt
    file: ./path/to/seerr_api_key.txt
    file: ./path/to/seerr_address.txt
    file: ./path/to/zurg_user.txt
    file: ./path/to/zurg_pass.txt
    file: ./path/to/pgadmin_setup_email.txt
    file: ./path/to/pgadmin_setup_password.txt


See the DMB roadmap for a list of planned features and enhancements.

🚀 Deployment

DMB allows for the simultaneous or individual deployment of Riven and/or Zurg w/ rclone

For additional details on deployment, see the DMB Wiki

🌍 Community


  • For questions related to DMB, see the GitHub discussions
  • or create a new issue if you find a bug or have an idea for an improvement.
  • or join the DMB discord server

Riven Media

  • For questions related to Riven, see the GitHub discussions
  • or create a new issue if you find a bug or have an idea for an improvement.
  • or join the Riven discord server

🍻 Buy Riven Media a beer/coffee? :)

If you enjoy the underlying projects and want to buy Riven Media a beer/coffee, feel free to use the GitHub sponsor link

🍻 Buy yowmamasita a beer/coffee? :)

If you enjoy the underlying projects and want to buy yowmamasita a beer/coffee, feel free to use the GitHub sponsor link

🍻 Buy Nick Craig-Wood a beer/coffee? :)

If you enjoy the underlying projects and want to buy Nick Craig-Wood a beer/coffee, feel free to use the website's sponsor links

🍻 Buy PostgreSQL a beer/coffee? :)

If you enjoy the underlying projects and want to buy PostgreSQL a beer/coffee, feel free to use the sponsor link

✅ GitHub Workflow Status

GitHub Workflow Status