Demo app tracking "live" sentiment about football matches from social media. Handles processing thousands of messages on Twitter about matches in real-time using a scalable microservice architecture.
Combines Apacke Kafka, Twitter Insights and CouchDB with Java Microservices and a Node.JS + React frontend web application.
See demo application running
Fixtures Monitor service tracks the fixtures for upcoming football matches. Each time a match starts, the services sends a message to a message queue.
Twitter Search service listens for these messages and start polling for all mentions of the match using Twitter Insights whilst the match is live.
Search results are sent to another message queue for processing.
Tweet Processor service parses the incoming search results from the queue and stores the relevant data in a Cloudant database.
Web Application connects to Cloudant to retrieve summary statistics about processed tweets during page load. Live updates to the summaries are sent over a WebSocket to the client.
- microservices - java microservices for background processing
- web - node.js + react.js web application
- scripts - deployment scripts
Follow the steps below to deploy this application on IBM Bluemix. You will need to provision the service instances in the Bluemix console before using the deployment scripts to automatically build and deploy the microservices and web app.
The following services need to be provisioned before deployment using the Bluemix console.
The service names must match the table below.
Service | Name |
IBM Message Hub | football_kafka |
Cloudant | football_cloudant |
IBM Insights for Twitter | football_twitter |
Save the username and password for the IBM Message Hub and Cloudant services. These credentials will be required during deployment.
The following message queues must be created before deployment through the IBM Message Hub administration page:
- tweets
- searches
Use the following commands to automatically build and deploy the microservices and web application. You will need to provide the service credentials for IBM Message Hub and Cloudant.
$ npm install $ npm run deploy
Deploying all the microservices will take a while, follow the progress using the cf logs command-line utility.
You can run the deployment steps individually, see the help guide by running the following command.
$ npm run deploy -- --help
See the individual files in microservices and web directories for details on running these components locally.
Once the application has been deployed, you can manually ingest historical match data using a command line utility. See the for the fixtures_monitor microservice for details.