This Symfony bundle is an alternative solution to FOSUserBundle, working with keycloak.
For symfony 2/3/4 use version 1.2.0 For symfony 5+ use version 2.0.0 or +
With composer:
$ composer require idci/keycloak-security-bundle
If you want to set up keycloak locally you can download it here and follow instructions from the official documentation. In case that you want to use keycloak in docker go directly to configuration for Docker.
In case of you already have keycloak running locally on your machine or is running remotely but without proxy, here is the default configuration you should use:
# config/packages/idci_keycloak_security.yaml
server_url: '%env(resolve:KEYCLOAK_SERVER_BASE_URL)%'
server_public_url: '%env(resolve:KEYCLOAK_SERVER_PUBLIC_BASE_URL)%'
server_private_url: '%env(resolve:KEYCLOAK_SERVER_PRIVATE_BASE_URL)%'
realm: '%env(resolve:KEYCLOAK_REALM)%'
client_id: '%env(resolve:KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID)%'
client_secret: '%env(resolve:KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
default_target_route_name: 'app_home'
ssl_verification: true
If you want to use keycloak in docker you can base your stack on this sample.
Here is a stack example configuration for docker swarm:
# config/packages/idci_keycloak_security.yaml
server_public_url: 'http://keycloak.docker' # your keycloak url accessible via your navigator
server_private_url: 'http://keycloak:8080' # your keycloak container reference in the network
realm: 'MyRealm'
client_id: 'my-client'
client_secret: '21d4cc5c-9ed6-4bf8-8528-6d659b66f216'
default_target_route_name: 'home' # The route you will be redirected to after sign in
Make sure that your php container in the container is attached to a network with keycloak, otherwise it will not be able to resolve "http://keycloak:8080/auth" and the public_server_url must be accessible through the port 80 because keycloak verify the issuer.
NOTE: The keycloak api endpoint as change, so if you used an old version, add the /auth
to you url:
server_public_url: 'http://keycloak.docker/auth'
server_private_url: 'http://keycloak:8080/auth'
Create a new file in config/routes/
to load pre configured bundle routes.
# config/routes/idci_keycloak_security.yaml
resource: "@IDCIKeycloakSecurityBundle/Resources/config/routing.yaml"
prefix: /
This will add the following routes to your application:
idci_keycloak_security_auth_connect => /auth/connect/keycloak
idci_keycloak_security_auth_connect_check => /auth/connect-check/keycloak
idci_keycloak_security_auth_logout => /auth/logout
idci_keycloak_security_auth_account => /auth/account
To link keycloak with symfony you must configure your application security file.
Here is a simple configuration that restrict access to /*
routes only to user with roles "ROLE_USER" or "ROLE_ADMIN" :
# config/packages/security.yaml
# Import Keycloak security providers
- { resource: '@IDCIKeycloakSecurityBundle/Resources/config/security.yaml' }
enable_authenticator_manager: true
# This route create the OAuth 2 "User Authorization Request" and must be accessible for unauthenticated users
pattern: /auth/connect/keycloak
security: false
# Here is an example to protect your application (API) using OAuth 2 Client Credentials Flow (JWT with Bearer token authentication)
pattern: ^/api
provider: idci_keycloak_bearer_security_provider
entry_point: IDCI\Bundle\KeycloakSecurityBundle\Security\EntryPoint\BearerAuthenticationEntryPoint
- IDCI\Bundle\KeycloakSecurityBundle\Security\Authenticator\KeycloakBearerAuthenticator
# Here is an example to protect your application (UI) using OAuth 2 Authorization Code Flow
pattern: ^/
provider: idci_keycloak_security_provider
entry_point: IDCI\Bundle\KeycloakSecurityBundle\Security\EntryPoint\AuthenticationEntryPoint
- IDCI\Bundle\KeycloakSecurityBundle\Security\Authenticator\KeycloakAuthenticator
path: idci_keycloak_security_auth_logout
# This following ROLES must be configured in your Keycloak client
- { path: ^/admin, roles: ROLE_ADMIN }
- { path: ^/api, roles: ROLE_API }
If you wish to secure your application using OAuth 2 Authorization Code Flow for route starting with /admin
, you will have to put the provided bundle routes behind the firewall, so here is an example on how to do this:
pattern: ^/(admin|auth)
provider: idci_keycloak_security_provider
entry_point: IDCI\Bundle\KeycloakSecurityBundle\Security\EntryPoint\AuthenticationEntryPoint
- IDCI\Bundle\KeycloakSecurityBundle\Security\Authenticator\KeycloakAuthenticator
path: idci_keycloak_security_auth_logout
If you need help to use keycloak because it is the first time you work on it, we've made a little tutorial step by step describing a basic configuration of a keycloak realm:
To logout users, use the route 'idci_keycloak_security_auth_logout':
<a href="{{ url('idci_keycloak_security_auth_logout') }}">Logout</a>
If you wants to provide a link to access keycloak user account space, use the route 'idci_keycloak_security_auth_account':
<a href="{{ url('idci_keycloak_security_auth_account') }}">Account</a>