ECE Ph.D. student @ the University of Michigan.
Graduated from SJTU(B.S.) and UM(M.S.).
University of Michigan
- Ann Arbor
- Pro
images-that-sound Public
Official repo for Images that sound: a special spectrogram that can be seen as images and played as sound generated by diffusions
SLfM Public
Official code for the paper: [ICCV2023] Sound Localization from Motion: Jointly Learning Sound Direction and Camera Rotation
stereocrw Public
Code for the Paper: [ECCV2022] Sound Localization by Self-Supervised Time-Delay Estimation
structure-from-silence Public
[CoRL 2021 (oral)] Structure from Silence: Learning Scene Structure from Ambient Sound
Intel-Realsense-Guidance Public
It will tell you how to use Intel realsense SDK
2.5D-Visual-Sound Public
Forked from facebookresearch/2.5D-Visual-Sound2.5D visual sound
Python Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International UpdatedMar 8, 2020 -
librealsense Public
Forked from IntelRealSense/librealsenseIntel® RealSense™ SDK
C++ Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 4, 2020 -
JI-GPACal Public
Forked from JasonQSY/JI-GPACalA simple python script to calculate GPA for students in UM-SJTU JI.
Python UpdatedAug 17, 2016