react-blaster Public
React starter kit using React, Redux, Redux-Saga, TypeScript and testing using Jest, Cypress
JavaScript UpdatedJan 5, 2023 -
JavaScript bo'yicha texnik interviewlarda tushadigan savollar to'plami
Final assignment files for Multimedia Communication class. INHA University in Tashkent, Spring semester 2020
movie-typescript Public
App for learning purpose build on React with TypeScript
TypeScript UpdatedNov 23, 2021 -
100-days-of-code Public
Forked from kallaway/100-days-of-codeFork this template for the 100 days journal - to keep yourself accountable (multiple languages available)
JavaScript UpdatedJul 28, 2020 -
telegram-react Public
Forked from evgeny-nadymov/telegram-reactTelegram web client with tdlib, webassembly and react js under the hood
JavaScript GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMay 15, 2019 -
weather-app Public
Simple weather app with 5 day forecast
hoverboard Public
Forked from Nuruddinjr/hoverboardGDG DevFest website template
HTML Other UpdatedJul 18, 2018 -
JSList Public
Forked from maqsudkarimov/JSListThe Best JavaScript/ JQuery plugins list
UpdatedJun 3, 2018 -
javascript Public
Forked from airbnb/javascriptJavaScript Style Guide
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJan 16, 2018 -
simple-note-app Public
It's as an example of using Node's fs (file system) module to create Notes application
JavaScript UpdatedJan 6, 2018 -
pwx_copy Public
It is a copy of pwx.io written in Node.JS using Express, MongoDB and Handlebars
HTML UpdatedSep 24, 2017