Government Engineering College Gandhinagar
- India
- @ArpitShrimankar
Free online textbook of Jupyter notebooks for fast.ai Computational Linear Algebra course
Problem sets and materials for systems and computational neuroscience course
Some open material relating to the Southampton Numerical Methods course
An Introduction to Modeling Neuronal Dynamics - Borgers in python, Single Neuron Models, Mathematical Modeling, Computational Neuroscience, Hodgkin-Huxley Equations, Differential Equations, Brain R…
A series of notebooks that serves as an introduction to computational/theoretical neuroscience.
NMA Computational Neuroscience course
A repository to store course materials for the data-driven neuroscience in python short-course.
A rudimentary personal webpage:
This project was for my Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience course (BIBB 585), taught by Dr. Vijay Balasubramanian. The goal of the project was to model the dynamics of an action potential b…
Joint Pedestrian Detection and Person Re-ID with PyTorch
Notebooks for seminar in computational cognitive neuroscience
A project where we use tf-open-pose to run 3D pose estimation in realtime .
Line Following Robot Powered By OpenCV and Machine Learing
An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone