Essential codes for jump-starting machine learning/data science with Python
- Jupyter notebooks covering a wide range of functions and operations on the topics of NumPy, Pandans, Seaborn, matplotlib etc.
Tutorial-type notebooks covering regression, classification, clustering, dimensionality reduction, and some basic neural network algorithms
- Simple linear regression with t-statistic generation
- Multiple ways to do linear regression in Python and their speed comparison (check the article I wrote on freeCodeCamp)
- Multi-variate regression with regularization
- Polynomial regression with how to use scikit-learn pipeline feature (check the article I wrote on Towards Data Science)
- Decision trees and Random Forest regression (showing how the Random Forest works as a robust/regularized meta-estimator rejecting overfitting)
- Logistic regression/classification
- k-nearest neighbor classification
- Decision trees and Random Forest Classification
- Support vector machine classification
- Naive Bayes classification
- K-means clustering
- Affinity propagation (showing its time complexity and the effect of damping factor)
- Mean-shift technique (showing its time complexity and the effect of noise on cluster discovery)
- Hierarchical clustering with Dendograms showing how to choose optimal number of clusters
- DBSCAN (showing how it can generically detect areas of high density irrespective of cluster shapes, which the k-means fails to do)
- Principal component analysis
- Demo notebook to illustrate the superiority of deep neural network for complex nonlinear function approximation task.
- Step-by-step building of 1-hidden-layer and 2-hidden-layer dense network using basic TensorFlow methods
- Demo on how to integrate basic interactive controls (slider bars, drop-down menus, check-boxes etc.) in a Jupyter notebook and use them for interactive machine learning task
The project builds a Docker image so that the (your) Jupyter notebooks can be run out-of-the-box on almost any platform in a few minutes.
It gives something like:
- Initialization of the Git repository for the Jupyter notebooks:
$ mkdir -p ~/dev/ml
$ cd ~/dev/ml
$ git clone
Initialization of the Docker image to run those Jupyter notebooks:
$ docker pull artificialintelligence/python-jupyter
$ cd ~/dev/ml/PythonMachineLearning
$ docker run -d -p 9000:8888 -v ${PWD}:/notebook -v ${PWD}:/data artificialintelligence/python-jupyter
And then you can open http://localhost:9000 in your browser.
$ docker ps
431b12a93ccf artificialintelligence/python-jupyter "/bin/sh -c 'jupyt..." 4 minutes ago Up 4 minutes>8888/tcp friendly_euclid
$ docker kill 431b12a93ccf
You can add me on LinkedIn here