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Generate YAML files with type descriptions for other projects
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These YAML files generated by Djinni hold all the necessary information to integrate these types with other Djinni projects, thus making (precompiled) libraries with possible.

There are still limitations:
- Extern enums/records cannot be used as constants as their enumerant/field information is not yet preserved.
- Include paths are fixed at the point of YAML generation, including paths do Djinni's support-lib. This may require some form of placeholders, or being smart about project structure in general.

Generation is controlled with following options
- --yaml-out: The output folder for YAML files (Generator disabled if unspecified).
- --yaml-out-file: If specified all types are merged into a single YAML file instead of generating one file per type  (relative to --yaml-out).
- --yaml-prefix: The prefix to add to type names stored in YAML files (default: "").
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mknejp committed Jul 13, 2015
1 parent 730f745 commit e181adc
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Showing 10 changed files with 287 additions and 37 deletions.
42 changes: 25 additions & 17 deletions src/source/CppMarshal.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class CppMarshal(spec: Spec) extends Marshal(spec) {
case d: MDef => d.defType match {
case DEnum | DRecord =>
if ( != exclude) {
List(ImportRef(q(spec.cppIncludePrefix + spec.cppFileIdentStyle( + "." + spec.cppHeaderExt)))
} else {
Expand All @@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ class CppMarshal(spec: Spec) extends Marshal(spec) {
case p: MParam => List()

def include(ident: String): String = q(spec.cppIncludePrefix + spec.cppFileIdentStyle(ident) + "." + spec.cppHeaderExt)

private def toCppType(ty: TypeRef, namespace: Option[String] = None): String = toCppType(ty.resolved, namespace)
private def toCppType(tm: MExpr, namespace: Option[String]): String = {
def base(m: Meta): String = m match {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -97,26 +99,32 @@ class CppMarshal(spec: Spec) extends Marshal(spec) {

def byValue(tm: MExpr): Boolean = tm.base match {
case p: MPrimitive => true
case d: MDef => d.defType match {
case DEnum => true
case _ => false
case e: MExtern => e.defType match {
case DInterface => false
case DEnum => true
case DRecord => e.cpp.byValue
case MOptional => byValue(tm.args.head)
case _ => false

def byValue(td: TypeDecl): Boolean = td.body match {
case i: Interface => false
case r: Record => false
case e: Enum => true

// this can be used in c++ generation to know whether a const& should be applied to the parameter or not
private def toCppParamType(tm: MExpr, namespace: Option[String] = None): String = {
val cppType = toCppType(tm, namespace)
val refType = "const " + cppType + " &"
val valueType = cppType

def toType(expr: MExpr): String = expr.base match {
case p: MPrimitive => valueType
case d: MDef => d.defType match {
case DEnum => valueType
case _ => refType
case e: MExtern => e.defType match {
case DInterface => refType
case DEnum => valueType
case DRecord => if(e.cpp.byValue) valueType else refType
case MOptional => toType(expr.args.head)
case _ => refType
if(byValue(tm)) valueType else refType
8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions src/source/JNIMarshal.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ class JNIMarshal(spec: Spec) extends Marshal(spec) {

// For JNI typename() is always fully qualified and describes the mangled Java type to be used in field/method signatures
override def typename(tm: MExpr): String = javaTypeSignature(tm)
def typename(name: String, ty: TypeDef): String = throw new AssertionError("not applicable")
def typename(name: String, ty: TypeDef) = s"L${undecoratedTypename(name, ty)};"

override def fqTypename(tm: MExpr): String = typename(tm)
def fqTypename(name: String, ty: TypeDef): String = typename(name, ty)
Expand All @@ -35,11 +35,13 @@ class JNIMarshal(spec: Spec) extends Marshal(spec) {

def references(m: Meta, exclude: String = ""): Seq[SymbolReference] = m match {
case o: MOpaque => List(ImportRef(q(spec.jniBaseLibIncludePrefix + "Marshal.hpp")))
case d: MDef => List(ImportRef(q(spec.jniIncludePrefix + spec.jniFileIdentStyle( + "." + spec.cppHeaderExt)))
case d: MDef => List(ImportRef(include(
case e: MExtern => List(ImportRef(e.jni.header))
case _ => List()

def include(ident: String) = q(spec.jniIncludePrefix + spec.jniFileIdentStyle(ident) + "." + spec.cppHeaderExt)

def toJniType(ty: TypeRef): String = toJniType(ty.resolved, false)
def toJniType(m: MExpr, needRef: Boolean): String = m.base match {
case p: MPrimitive => if (needRef) "jobject" else p.jniName
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -81,7 +83,7 @@ class JNIMarshal(spec: Spec) extends Marshal(spec) { => typename(f.ty)).mkString("(", "", ")") + ret.fold("V")(typename)

private def helperName(tm: MExpr): String = tm.base match {
def helperName(tm: MExpr): String = tm.base match {
case d: MDef => withNs(Some(spec.jniNamespace), helperClass(
case e: MExtern => e.jni.translator
case o => withNs(Some("djinni"), o match {
Expand Down
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/source/JavaMarshal.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -58,6 +58,12 @@ class JavaMarshal(spec: Spec) extends Marshal(spec) {

def isReference(td: TypeDecl) = td.body match {
case i: Interface => true
case r: Record => true
case e: Enum => true

private def toJavaType(tm: MExpr, packageName: Option[String]): String = {
def args(tm: MExpr) = if (tm.args.isEmpty) "" else, true)).mkString("<", ", ", ">")
def f(tm: MExpr, needRef: Boolean): String = {
Expand Down
16 changes: 15 additions & 1 deletion src/source/Main.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -68,6 +68,9 @@ object Main {
var inFileListPath: Option[File] = None
var outFileListPath: Option[File] = None
var skipGeneration: Boolean = false
var yamlOutFolder: Option[File] = None
var yamlOutFile: Option[String] = None
var yamlPrefix: String = ""

val argParser = new scopt.OptionParser[Unit]("djinni") {

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -153,6 +156,14 @@ object Main {
.text("The namespace name to use for generated Objective-C++ classes.")
opt[String]("objc-base-lib-include-prefix").valueName("...").foreach(x => objcBaseLibIncludePrefix = x)
.text("The Objective-C++ base library's include path, relative to the Objective-C++ classes.")
opt[File]("yaml-out").valueName("<out-folder>").foreach(x => yamlOutFolder = Some(x))
.text("The output folder for YAML files (Generator disabled if unspecified).")
opt[String]("yaml-out-file").valueName("<out-file>").foreach(x => yamlOutFile = Some(x))
.text("If specified all types are merged into a single YAML file instead of generating one file per type (relative to --yaml-out).")
opt[String]("yaml-prefix").valueName("<pre>").foreach(yamlPrefix = _)
.text("The prefix to add to type names stored in YAML files (default: \"\").")
opt[File]("list-in-files").valueName("<list-in-files>").foreach(x => inFileListPath = Some(x))
.text("Optional file in which to write the list of input files parsed.")
opt[File]("list-out-files").valueName("<list-out-files>").foreach(x => outFileListPath = Some(x))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -282,7 +293,10 @@ object Main {

try {
Expand Down
17 changes: 15 additions & 2 deletions src/source/ObjcMarshal.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ class ObjcMarshal(spec: Spec) extends Marshal(spec) {
case d: MDef => d.defType match {
case DEnum =>
List(ImportRef(q(spec.objcIncludePrefix + headerName(
case DInterface =>
val ext = d.body.asInstanceOf[Interface].ext
if (ext.cpp && !ext.objc) {
Expand All @@ -72,7 +72,20 @@ class ObjcMarshal(spec: Spec) extends Marshal(spec) {
case p: MParam => List()

def headerName(ident: String): String = idObjc.ty(ident) + "." + spec.objcHeaderExt
def headerName(ident: String) = idObjc.ty(ident) + "." + spec.objcHeaderExt
def include(ident: String) = q(spec.objcIncludePrefix + headerName(ident))

def isPointer(td: TypeDecl) = td.body match {
case i: Interface => true
case r: Record => true
case e: Enum => false

def boxedTypename(td: TypeDecl) = td.body match {
case i: Interface => typename(td.ident, i)
case r: Record => typename(td.ident, r)
case e: Enum => "NSNumber"

// Return value: (Type_Name, Is_Class_Or_Not)
def toObjcType(ty: TypeRef): (String, Boolean) = toObjcType(ty.resolved, false)
Expand Down
12 changes: 10 additions & 2 deletions src/source/ObjcppMarshal.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class ObjcppMarshal(spec: Spec) extends Marshal(spec) {
case DEnum =>
List(ImportRef(q(spec.objcBaseLibIncludePrefix + "DJIMarshal+Private.h")))
case DInterface =>
List(ImportRef(q(spec.objcppIncludePrefix + privateHeaderName(
case DRecord =>
val r = d.body.asInstanceOf[Record]
val objcName = + (if (r.ext.objc) "_base" else "")
Expand All @@ -47,12 +47,20 @@ class ObjcppMarshal(spec: Spec) extends Marshal(spec) {
case p: MParam => List()

def include(m: Meta) = m match {
case d: MDef => d.defType match {
case DEnum => q(spec.objcBaseLibIncludePrefix + "DJIMarshal+Private.h")
case _ => q(spec.objcppIncludePrefix + privateHeaderName(
case _ => throw new AssertionError("not applicable")

def helperClass(name: String) = idCpp.ty(name)
private def helperClass(tm: MExpr): String = helperName(tm) + helperTemplates(tm)

def privateHeaderName(ident: String): String = idObjc.ty(ident) + "+Private." + spec.objcHeaderExt

private def helperName(tm: MExpr): String = tm.base match {
def helperName(tm: MExpr): String = tm.base match {
case d: MDef => d.defType match {
case DEnum => withNs(Some("djinni"), s"Enum<${cppMarshal.fqTypename(tm)}, ${objcMarshal.fqTypename(tm)}>")
case _ => withNs(Some(spec.objcppNamespace), helperClass(
Expand Down
181 changes: 181 additions & 0 deletions src/source/YamlGenerator.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
package djinni

import djinni.ast._
import djinni.ast.Record.DerivingType.DerivingType
import djinni.generatorTools._
import djinni.meta._
import djinni.writer.IndentWriter
import java.util.{Map => JMap}
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import scala.collection.mutable

class YamlGenerator(spec: Spec) extends Generator(spec) {

val cppMarshal = new CppMarshal(spec)
val objcMarshal = new ObjcMarshal(spec)
val objcppMarshal = new ObjcppMarshal(spec)
val javaMarshal = new JavaMarshal(spec)
val jniMarshal = new JNIMarshal(spec)

case class QuotedString(str: String) // For anything that migt require escaping

private def writeYamlFile(name: String, origin: String, f: IndentWriter => Unit): Unit = {
createFile(spec.yamlOutFolder.get, name, out => new IndentWriter(out, " "), w => {
w.wl("# This file generated by Djinni from " + origin)

private def writeYamlFile(tds: Seq[InternTypeDecl]): Unit = {
val origins =", ")
writeYamlFile(spec.yamlOutFile.get, origins, w => {
// Writing with SnakeYAML creates loads of cluttering and unnecessary tags, so write manually.
// We're not doing anything complicated anyway and it's good to have human readable output.
for(td <- tds) {
write(w, td)

private def writeYamlFile(ident: String, origin: String, td: InternTypeDecl): Unit =
writeYamlFile(spec.yamlPrefix + ident + ".yaml", origin, w => {
write(w, td)

private def write(w: IndentWriter, td: TypeDecl) {
write(w, preamble(td))
w.wl("cpp:").nested { write(w, cpp(td)) }
w.wl("objc:").nested { write(w, objc(td)) }
w.wl("objcpp:").nested { write(w, objcpp(td)) }
w.wl("java:").nested { write(w, java(td)) }
w.wl("jni:").nested { write(w, jni(td)) }

private def write(w: IndentWriter, m: Map[String, Any]) {
for((k, v) <- m) {
w.w(k + ": ")
v match {
case s: String => write(w, s)
case s: QuotedString => write(w, s)
case m: Map[_, _] => w.wl.nested { write(w, m.asInstanceOf[Map[String, Any]]) }
case s: Seq[_] => write(w, s)
case b: Boolean => write(w, b)
case _ => throw new AssertionError("unexpected map value")

private def write(w: IndentWriter, s: Seq[Any]) {
// The only arrays we have are small enough to use flow notation
w.wl(s.mkString("[", ",", "]"))

private def write(w: IndentWriter, b: Boolean) {
w.wl(if(b) "true" else "false")

private def write(w: IndentWriter, s: String) {
if(s.isEmpty) w.wl(q("")) else w.wl(s)

private def write(w: IndentWriter, s: QuotedString) {
if(s.str.isEmpty) w.wl(q("")) else w.wl("'" + s.str.replaceAllLiterally("'", "''") + "'")

private def preamble(td: TypeDecl) = Map[String, Any](
"name" -> (spec.yamlPrefix +,
"typedef" -> QuotedString(typeDef(td)),
"params" -> td.params.collect { case p: TypeParam => },
"prefix" -> spec.yamlPrefix

private def typeDef(td: TypeDecl) = {
def ext(e: Ext): String = (if(e.cpp) " +c" else "") + (if(e.objc) " +o" else "") + (if( " +j" else "")
def deriving(r: Record) = {
if(r.derivingTypes.isEmpty) {
} else {
r.derivingTypes.collect {
case Record.DerivingType.Eq => "eq"
case Record.DerivingType.Ord => "ord"
}.mkString(" deriving(", ", ", ")")
td.body match {
case i: Interface => "interface" + ext(i.ext)
case r: Record => "record" + ext(r.ext) + deriving(r)
case e: Enum => "enum"

private def cpp(td: TypeDecl) = Map[String, Any](
"typename" -> QuotedString(cppMarshal.fqTypename(td.ident, td.body)),
"header" -> QuotedString(cppMarshal.include(td.ident)),
"byValue" -> cppMarshal.byValue(td)

private def objc(td: TypeDecl) = Map[String, Any](
"typename" -> QuotedString(objcMarshal.fqTypename(td.ident, td.body)),
"header" -> QuotedString(objcMarshal.include(td.ident)),
"boxed" -> QuotedString(objcMarshal.boxedTypename(td)),
"pointer" -> objcMarshal.isPointer(td),
"hash" -> QuotedString("%s.hash")

private def objcpp(td: TypeDecl) = Map[String, Any](
"translator" -> QuotedString(objcppMarshal.helperName(mexpr(td))),
"header" -> QuotedString(objcppMarshal.include(meta(td)))

private def java(td: TypeDecl) = Map[String, Any](
"typename" -> QuotedString(javaMarshal.fqTypename(td.ident, td.body)),
"boxed" -> QuotedString(javaMarshal.fqTypename(td.ident, td.body)),
"reference" -> javaMarshal.isReference(td),
"generic" -> true,
"hash" -> QuotedString("%s.hashCode()")

private def jni(td: TypeDecl) = Map[String, Any](
"translator" -> QuotedString(jniMarshal.helperName(mexpr(td))),
"header" -> QuotedString(jniMarshal.include(td.ident)),
"typename" -> jniMarshal.fqParamType(mexpr(td)),
"typeSignature" -> QuotedString(jniMarshal.fqTypename(td.ident, td.body))

// TODO: there has to be a way to do all this without the MExpr/Meta conversions?
private def mexpr(td: TypeDecl) = MExpr(meta(td), List())

private def meta(td: TypeDecl) = {
val defType = td.body match {
case i: Interface => DInterface
case r: Record => DRecord
case e: Enum => DEnum
MDef(td.ident, 0, defType, td.body)

override def generate(idl: Seq[TypeDecl]) {
val internOnly = idl.collect { case itd: InternTypeDecl => itd }.sortWith( <
if(spec.yamlOutFile.isDefined) {
} else {
for(td <- internOnly) {
writeYamlFile(td.ident, td.origin, td)

override def generateEnum(origin: String, ident: Ident, doc: Doc, e: Enum) {
// unused

override def generateInterface(origin: String, ident: Ident, doc: Doc, typeParams: Seq[TypeParam], i: Interface) {
// unused

override def generateRecord(origin: String, ident: Ident, doc: Doc, params: Seq[TypeParam], r: Record) {
// unused

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