CMI8738_PowerPC_Intel Public
Mac OS X driver for the CMI8738 and similar chips based sound cards, for both Intel and Power PC Macs running OS X.
mod2vgm Public
Forked from superctr/mod2vgmconverts protracker MODs to VGMs using OPL4
C UpdatedAug 18, 2024 -
Envy24HT Public
Forked from fredemmott/Envy24HTOSX driver for several Terratec, M-Audio, ESI, and Audiotrak sound cards. Forked from http://www.audio-evolution.com/drivers/
SpaceCadetPinballPPC Public
Forked from iAmInActions/SpaceCadetPinballPPCDecompilation of 3D Pinball for Windows – Space Cadet; For PPC Mac and Linux
kx-audio-driver Public
Forked from kxproject/kx-audio-driverkX driver source code (for Windows and Mac)
SwiftCPUDetect Public
Swift Library to detect the current CPU Architecture for the current machine/process (inculing detecting if the current process is running using Rosetta) and additional system info.
SwiftPackagesBase Public
A Swift Library containing useful code for Any Swift project.
CMI8788 Public
Mac audio driver for Xonar sound cards with the CMI8788 chipset.
Envy24 Public
Envy24 OS X driver forked from http://www.audio-evolution.com/drivers/
TINUIORegistry Public
A Swift library to access information from the macOS IORegistry.
TINUSerialization Public
Library with useful extensions to `Decodable` and `Encodable` (and so also `Codable`) types, including simple JSON/Plist serialization and deserialization.
homebrew-i386-elf-toolchain Public
Forked from nativeos/homebrew-i386-elf-toolchainPorted versions of several GNU packages (binutils, gcc, gdb, grub) targetting i386-elf on the Mac, installable through a Homebrew tap.
Ruby UpdatedAug 17, 2022 -
TINURecovery Public
macOS Swift library, from TINU, to detect: Recovery Mode, SIP, Sandbox and Current User. Also providing NVRAM functions.
TINU Public archive
TINU: The open tool to create bootable macOS installers.
SwiftLoggedPrint Public
Swift Library for logged and better prints.
CommandSudo Public
Extension Swift Library for the Command library (that can be found here https://github.com/ITzTravelInTime/Command) that provides support for privileged operations.
Command Public
A Swift Library to launch, execute, and get the output of, executables and terminal commands/scripts in a simple and quick way.
TINUNotifications Public
The notifications code from TINU! Use this library to easily create and send simple notifications.
ioreg2plist Public
Dumps macOS IORegistry entries in plist format
MenuBarSIPDetector Public
macOS menu bar app that displays the current status of SIP (System Integrity Protection)
open-source-mac-os-apps Public
Forked from serhii-londar/open-source-mac-os-apps🚀 Awesome list of open source applications for macOS. https://t.me/s/opensourcemacosapps
PackageList Public
Forked from SwiftPackageIndex/PackageListThe master list of repositories for the Swift Package Index.
Swift Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 11, 2021 -
CloverBootloader Public
Forked from CloverHackyColor/CloverBootloaderBootloader for macOS, Windows and Linux in UEFI and in legacy mode
EFI-Partition-Mounter Public
Open source EFI Partition Mounter Tool
3D-Walk Public
Forked from maksimKorzh/3D-WalkSimple ncurses based ray-casting pseudo 3D engine (linux port of CommandLineFPS by javidx9 aka OneLoneCoder)
Student Submissions for the WWDC 2017 Scholarship
UpdatedApr 5, 2017 -
playgoundOS Public
This is a project for a little os interface that runs on a playground and on an ios app too
The-Macintosh-Project Public
Forked from Minitour/The-Macintosh-ProjectWWDC 2017 Submission