Gator is a simple blog aggregator that doesn't actually work all that well.
An in-depth paragraph about your project and overview of use.
- Go version 1.22.3
- Postgres installation with Linux:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib
sudo passwd postgres
sudo -u postgres psql
\c gator
ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD 'postgres';
- Goose installation:
go install
- Create a ~/.gatorconfig.json file that contains:
"db_url": "postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/gator?sslmode=disable",
"current_user_name": "kahya"
- Register your user account
go run . register <user>
- Add a blog feed
go run . addfeed " Blog" ""
- Start the aggreagation loop in a dedicated terminal
go run . agg 30s
- Retrieve entries
go run . browse 2