redis.mod - A BlitzMax Redis client
- This client utilizes "The new unified request protocol", so it will only work with Redis >= 1.2.
- The full Redis 2.2.4 command set is available, but commands will only work with a Redis server supporting them (i.e OBJECT is only available from Redis 2.2.3+).
- You should have a working BlitzMax 1.42 installation.
- Clone this project in
. - Build the module with
bmk makemods -h pub.redis
andbmk makemods pub.redis
to get both the multithreaded and singlethreaded versions.
All Redis commands are called on a client instance by calling client.COMMAND_().
The Redis commands all end with an underscore, to eliminate keyword clashes (i.e. SELECT) and distinguish Redis functionality from other functionality on the TRedisClient type.
All commands return String.
Use it like this:
Import Pub.Redis
Local redis:TRedisClient = TRedisClient.Create()
If redis.Open()
Print redis.PING_()
Print redis.INFO_()
redis.ZADD_("someSet", 1, "one")
redis.ZADD_("someSet", 2, "two")
Print redis.ZRANGE_("someSet", 0, -1)
Print redis.PING_()
Print("Could not connect to Redis server at " + + ":" + redis.port)
- All commands implemented. A fully working, albeit pretty untested, blocking Redis client.
- First version. Fully working implementation of the protocol.
- Build an extensive testing application.
- Implement a non blocking mode.
- Look into delivering the more complex responses in a different way than just a string. Maybe.