Enterprise-ready, GitOps enabled, CloudNative feature management solution
Save `RUN --mount=type=cache` caches on GitHub Actions ( Forked from )
Retries a GitHub Action step on failure or timeout
A simple, fast, and fun package for building command line apps in Go
Optical character recognition for Japanese text, with the main focus being Japanese manga
🏆 A markdown parser written in Go. Easy to extend, standard(CommonMark) compliant, well structured.
💯Go Struct and Field validation, including Cross Field, Cross Struct, Map, Slice and Array diving
🚫💩 — Run tasks like formatters and linters against staged git files
hasura / go-graphql-client
Forked from shurcooL/graphqlPackage graphql provides a GraphQL client implementation.
Protocol Buffer Validation - Being replaced by
The home of the CUE language! Validate and define text-based and dynamic configuration
A simple, battle-tested and generic set type for the Go language. Trusted by Docker, 1Password, Ethereum and Hashicorp.
A cross-platform, OpenGL terminal emulator.
INACTIVE - - A go (golang) port of
Sample apps and code written for Google Cloud in the Go programming language.
gRPC to JSON proxy generator following the gRPC HTTP spec
Public interface definitions of Google APIs.
ARCHIVE - Golang implementation of JSON Web Tokens (JWT). This project is now maintained at:
Simple shell script for initiating blue-green deployments on Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS)