This object is provided open source under the GPL V2 license. I believe in open source and would like anyone who uses this creation to share back their modifications and ideas with the greater online community.
This is a 3D printed laminar fountain created in OpenSCAD. A laminar fountain produces a water stream that has no turbulance. This creates a "glass rod" type look for the water and has many neat properties that can be used for a great visual show. The goal of this project is to produce a complete fountain system that can be printed and constructed with standard parts.
Much more information on DIY laminar fountains can be found here: Laminar Fountain Forums Information for OpenSCAD can be gound at the OpenSCAD Website
This project is currently in development and while current parts are fully functional there are many bugs and deficiencies that are being actively worked. Project component goals:
- Fully functional 3D printed fountain casing
- Fountain stand and mounting objects
- Control software and web interface developed using the Beaglebone Black development board
- RGB LED lighting and control including fiberoptic channel inside fountain body
- Mechanic "cutter" for blocking and unblocking the water stream to create visual effects
- 3D Printer
- 100mm Rubber Orings
- M3 bolts/nuts (various sizes)
- 12V DC Pump
- Tubing to connect pump to fountain inlet
- Beaglebone Black
- NEMA 14 Stepper Motor for cutter
- Various other as development continues
You can find me at my blog Scuttlebots or my github page HERE.