Tags: Illyism/react-native
Depend on 0.13 Android binaries from custom JCenter repo Only needed until artifacts propagate through Maven Central.
Temporarily depend on 0.12 Android binaries from JCenter repo Published version 0.12.0 of the Android binaries. Naming the version 0.12.0-SNAPSHOT or 0.12.0-rc is not supported, will come up with a better version scheme for next release. The version has been published to Maven Central: https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/facebook/react/react-native/ However, after more than an hour it's still not available and Gradle won't fetch it because it hasn't been mirrored to JCenter: http://search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Ca%3A%22react-native%22 https://bintray.com/bintray/jcenter/com.facebook.react%3Areact-native/view As a workaround to make it available now, I published it under my account which makes it available immediately: https://bintray.com/mkonicek/maven/react-native/view I also submitted a request to Bintray to publish the binaries here: https://bintray.com/bintray/jcenter/com.facebook.react%3Areact-native/view Once 0.12.0 propagates, we can revert this commit. None of this affects the npm versioning. The npm version is 0.12.0-rc.