This repo is a high level overview of the CaptainFact project. It holds the documentation, issues, wiki and community discussions.
- Issues:
- Priority:
- Wiki:
- Contributing:
- Translation: CaptainFact on Hosted Weblate
- captain-fact-api: Elixir / Phoenix / Absinthe backend
- captain-fact-frontend: React frontend
- captain-fact-extension: Browser extension, built with React and WebExtensions
- captain-fact-overlay-injector: Video overlay injector, built with Preact
CaptainFact is a collaborative, real-time fact-checking tool for YouTube videos. The website allows people to work together to confirm, refute and contextualize statements made in any video. A browser extension then brings down the community’s sources directly onto the content by injecting them into YouTube’s player (preview).
The project is non-profit (donate through OpenCollective). All the code is libre software.
Openness, factuality and transparancy are our core values.