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Bootstrap configs


This repository contains various configuration file and scripts for quick setup of a working environment.

Ideally, bootstrap configurations should be idempotent. That is, the installer should be able to be run multiple times without causing any problems. This makes a lot of things easier to do (in particular, syncing updates between machines becomes really easy).

Table of Contents

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Last Update: 2024-06-17

Quick setups


You need to have PyYAML installed before trying to install profile or configuration.

pip install pyyaml
git clone
cd bootstrap-ik1614

# Apply profile, i.e. a collection of configs
./ default-cli

# Apply selected configs
./ git tmux zsh sh-aliases bin

Optional post install actions


Install whatever versions of Python you need with pyenv

pyenv install 3.9.4
pyenv global 3.9.4



NVM is not imported by default because it increases shell start up time. It is likely that you would need to comment out NODE_VERSION env variable in the ~/.zshrc-local. In general, see ~/.zshrc for more info.

nvm install --lts --default

Useful npm packages


Check health and adjust accordingly.

nvim -c ':checkhealth'

For example, you might need to install missing providers

pip install pynvim

nvm install node
npm install -g neovim

Configure gcloud

gcloud init ...

gcloud components install cloud_sql_proxy

gcloud auth application-default login

Overview of this configuration files and scripts








Testing out new configuration can easily be done within Docker. In this way, you don't risk of accidentally overriding your existing dotfiles of configs.

make test-install-config
# or
make test-install-profile


Some of the configs are git submodules, i.e. tpm, oh-my-zsh. However, we don't want our install bash scripts, i.e. install-profile, install-config, to pull/update them as a default behaviour, since we don't want to overload different environments. Thus, this should be manged as a stand-alone task within shell directive of a config.

Reporting problems and issues

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