Navi is a lisp-inspired programming language designed for being fast to code in whilst also being readable.
Information on the built-in functions and standard library can be found on the wiki.
On windows all you need to do is download the latest navi-windows release and unzip it. Running navi.exe will start the REPL with library.navi automatically loaded. For info on the command-line options, see the wiki.
Here's a code sample of what a simple number guessing game would look like in Navi:
(load "navi/random.navi" "random_range")
(load "navi/strings.navi" "ctoi") ~ ctoi -> char to int
(set (guessing_game)
(set correct_answer to (random_range 0 9))
(sayline "Guess a number 0 through 9")
(if (= (ctoi (head (listen))) correct_answer) then
(sayline "You won!") otherwise
(say "Wrong answer! The right number was ")
(sayline correct_answer))))
More examples can be found under navi/examples