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tywo45 authored May 7, 2017
1 parent 621976a commit 8c3657e
Showing 1 changed file with 142 additions and 124 deletions.
266 changes: 142 additions & 124 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -48,144 +48,162 @@ t-io是基于jdk aio实现的易学易用、稳定耐操、性能强悍、内置
- 心跳检测
- 心跳发送
- 自动重连
ReconnConf<Object, HelloPacket, Object> reconnConf = new ReconnConf<Object, HelloPacket, Object>(5000L);
ClientGroupContext<Object, HelloPacket, Object> clientGroupContext = new ClientGroupContext<>(aioClientHandler, aioListener, reconnConf);

ReconnConf<Object, HelloPacket, Object> reconnConf = new ReconnConf<Object, HelloPacket, Object>(5000L);
ClientGroupContext<Object, HelloPacket, Object> clientGroupContext = new ClientGroupContext<>(aioClientHandler, aioListener, reconnConf);
- 绑定用户
Aio.bindUser(channelContext, userid);
Aio.bindUser(channelContext, userid);
- 解绑用户
- 绑定群组
Aio.bindGroup(channelContext, groupid);
- 解绑所有群组
- 解绑指定群组
Aio.unbindGroup(group, channelContext);
- 发消息到群组
Aio.sendToGroup(groupContext, groupid, packet);
Aio.sendToGroup(groupContext, groupid, packet, channelContextFilter);
- 发消息给所有连接
Aio.sendToAll(groupContext, packet, channelContextFilter);
- 发消息给用户
Aio.sendToUser(groupContext, userid, packet);
- 各项消息统计等功能,全部一键内置搞定,省却各种烦恼
public class ChannelStat {
* 最近一次收到业务消息包的时间(一个完整的业务消息包,一部分消息不算)
private long latestTimeOfReceivedPacket = SystemTimer.currentTimeMillis();
* 最近一次发送业务消息包的时间(一个完整的业务消息包,一部分消息不算)
private long latestTimeOfSentPacket = SystemTimer.currentTimeMillis();
Aio.bindGroup(channelContext, groupid);
* ChannelContext对象创建的时间
private long timeCreated = SystemTimer.currentTimeMillis();
- 解绑所有群组
* 第一次连接成功的时间
private Long timeFirstConnected = null;
* 连接关闭的时间
private long timeClosed = SystemTimer.currentTimeMillis();
- 解绑指定群组
* 进入重连队列时间
private long timeInReconnQueue = SystemTimer.currentTimeMillis();
Aio.unbindGroup(group, channelContext);
* 本连接已发送的字节数
private AtomicLong sentBytes = new AtomicLong();
- 发消息到群组
* 本连接已发送的packet数
private AtomicLong sentPackets = new AtomicLong();
Aio.sendToGroup(groupContext, groupid, packet);
Aio.sendToGroup(groupContext, groupid, packet, channelContextFilter);
* 本连接已处理的字节数
private AtomicLong handledBytes = new AtomicLong();
- 发消息给所有连接
* 本连接已处理的packet数
private AtomicLong handledPackets = new AtomicLong();
Aio.sendToAll(groupContext, packet, channelContextFilter);
* 本连接已接收的字节数
private AtomicLong receivedBytes = new AtomicLong();
- 发消息给用户
* 本连接已接收的packet数
private AtomicLong receivedPackets = new AtomicLong();
// getter and setter
public class GroupStat {
* 关闭了多少连接
private AtomicLong closed = new AtomicLong();
* 接收到的消息包
private AtomicLong receivedPacket = new AtomicLong();
* 接收到的消息字节数
private AtomicLong receivedBytes = new AtomicLong();
* 处理了的消息包数
private AtomicLong handledPacket = new AtomicLong();
* 发送了的消息包数
private AtomicLong sentPacket = new AtomicLong();
Aio.sendToUser(groupContext, userid, packet);
* 发送了的字节数
private AtomicLong sentBytes = new AtomicLong();
// getter and setter
- 各项消息统计等功能,全部一键内置搞定,省却各种烦恼
public class ChannelStat {
* 最近一次收到业务消息包的时间(一个完整的业务消息包,一部分消息不算)
private long latestTimeOfReceivedPacket = SystemTimer.currentTimeMillis();
* 最近一次发送业务消息包的时间(一个完整的业务消息包,一部分消息不算)
private long latestTimeOfSentPacket = SystemTimer.currentTimeMillis();
* ChannelContext对象创建的时间
private long timeCreated = SystemTimer.currentTimeMillis();
* 第一次连接成功的时间
private Long timeFirstConnected = null;
* 连接关闭的时间
private long timeClosed = SystemTimer.currentTimeMillis();
* 进入重连队列时间
private long timeInReconnQueue = SystemTimer.currentTimeMillis();
* 本连接已发送的字节数
private AtomicLong sentBytes = new AtomicLong();
* 本连接已发送的packet数
private AtomicLong sentPackets = new AtomicLong();
* 本连接已处理的字节数
private AtomicLong handledBytes = new AtomicLong();
* 本连接已处理的packet数
private AtomicLong handledPackets = new AtomicLong();
* 本连接已接收的字节数
private AtomicLong receivedBytes = new AtomicLong();
* 本连接已接收的packet数
private AtomicLong receivedPackets = new AtomicLong();
// getter and setter
public class GroupStat {
* 关闭了多少连接
private AtomicLong closed = new AtomicLong();
* 接收到的消息包
private AtomicLong receivedPacket = new AtomicLong();
* 接收到的消息字节数
private AtomicLong receivedBytes = new AtomicLong();
* 处理了的消息包数
private AtomicLong handledPacket = new AtomicLong();
* 发送了的消息包数
private AtomicLong sentPacket = new AtomicLong();
* 发送了的字节数
private AtomicLong sentBytes = new AtomicLong();
// getter and setter
## **性能数据**
- IM实例收发速度500万条/秒----此数据系网友提供(i7 6700 + 固态硬盘 + win10),我本地只能跑到333万/秒
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -373,7 +391,7 @@ t-io是基于jdk aio实现的易学易用、稳定耐操、性能强悍、内置
- **点击右上方的 Star 以便随时掌握本项目的动态(据说star过t-io的用户会受到作者特别对待^_^)**
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