The bucket_comparator app creates an interactive visualization for a set of section data. It does statistical tests, decides whether two samples are from the same distribution and shows percentile breakdown.
All required python packages are listed in bucket_comparator/requirements.txt. Go to bucket_comparator folder and install them using following command.
pip install -r requirements.txt
To view the app from a bokeh server, you need to run a bokeh server and point it at the bucket_comparator example directory. For example, from this directory, you can run:
bokeh serve .
Or from one directory level up, you can run:
bokeh serve bucket_comparator
Now navigate to the following URL in a browser:
The data (bucket_comparator/data/data.csv) has the following colums: section, bucket, group_A, group_B.
There are 10 sections containing 201 buckets. Each bucket has count under two groups (group_A, group_B). When you run the app all sections will be available in a dropdown. You can browse the sections. For a selected section the app will do the following
- Show a count plot for all the buckets in two groups
- Do Kruskal–Wallis non-parametric test ( and show whether group_A, group_B count values of the buckets are from the same distributon or not.
- Show test statistic and p-value of the Kruskal–Wallis non-parametric test
- Show percentiles (25, 50 and 75) of group_A, group_B counts for the buckets in a Table
You can also download the data of the selected section using "Download data" button.