- The public version of the data for this project can be found on the NHANES website.
- Potential data integration ideas can be found on the data linkage site and in the data linkage PDF.
It's as simple as:
export TF_VAR_project_id=$(gcloud config get-value project)
git clone https://github.com/In-Vivo-Group/NHANES-GCP.git
cd NHANES-GCP/infra
npm install
npm run get
npm run synth
npm run deploy #Ensure that your shell is authorized to change permissions and that you press ENTER to approve the changes
But visit the infrastructure README page for a detailed explanation.
There are four example BigQuery ML models to demonstrate how to leverage BQML and the NHANES data set in GCP. They can be found in the dbt ANALYSES page
This project was developed in collaboration with and supported by CorrDyn, an enterprise data specialist with deep experience in healthcare and life sciences. For more information, check out the Data in Biotech podcast on Apple or Spotify, or connect with us on LinkedIn: CorrDyn, James Winegar and Ross Katz