Defold Druid v0.10.0
Druid 0.10.0
Hello! Here is new Druid update. It's brings to you two new components: Layout and Hotkey. Both components are "extended", so to use it, you should register it first (when you try to use it, in console will be prompt with code you should use)
In general:
local layout = require("druid.extended.layout")
druid.register("layout", layout)
The Drag component now knows about window scaling, so now it have more accuracy dx/dy values depends on the screen size. The scroll and other components should work better :)
Now you can change the input priority of components temporary. For example while you interact with them (input fields, drag on select etc).
Also the update brings several bug fixes and now Druid have stencil_check mode enabled by default. It should be more easy to use input components with stencil nodes without manual set_click_zone
And yeah, the new Druid logo is here!
Changelog 0.10.0
- #133 [Hotkey] Add new extended component: Hotkey
- It's allow you set hotkeys to call callbacks
- You should pass one action key and several modificator keys (left shift, right ctrl etc)
- List of modificator keys ids setup via component style (you can change it)
- You can add several hotkeys on one callback via
with additional params
- #98 [Layout] Add new extended component: Layout
- It's allow you to extend standart Defold node adjust modes
- Layout mode can be next:
- Stretch node only by Xconst.LAYOUT_MODE.STRETCH_Y
- Stretch node only by Yconst.LAYOUT_MODE.ZOOM_MIN
- Zoom node by minimal stretch multiplierconst.LAYOUT_MODE.ZOOM_MAX
- Zoom node by maximum stretch multiplierconst.LAYOUT_MODE.FIT
- Usual Defold Fit modeconst.LAYOUT_MODE.STRETCH
- Usual Defold Stretch Mode
- The Layout changes the node size property. So it's look much better if you use 9slice nodes
- Works even the node parent is have Fit adjust mode
- #200 [Scroll] Glitch if content size equals to scroll view size in runtime
- #201 [DataList] Update DataList:
- Add two events:
- Add
to access all current data in DataList - Add
to access currently visual nodes in DataList - Add
to access currenly visual component in DataList (if created)
- Add two events:
- #190 [Progress] Add
function to change max size of progress bar - #188 [Drag] Add two values passed to on_drag callback. Now it is
on_drag(self, dx, dy, total_x, total_y)
to check the overral drag distance - #195 [Drag] Add
to enable/disable drag input component - #186 [Grid] Fix: Method
works incorrectly with IS_DYNAMIC_NODE_POSES style option - #185 [System] Add
component interest. It will called on game window size changes - #189 [System] Add optional flag to
to mark it as temporary. It will reset to default input priority after thecomponent:reset_input_priority
- #204 [System] Fix: wrong code example link, if open example from direct URL
- #202 [System] Enabled stencil check to true by default. To disable this, use
in game.project settings - [Examples] Add layout, layout fit, progres bar, data list + component examples