Team Project at SFD by Generation Australia : (Irene Choi, Soumya)
Irene :
- Generate random Maze
Soumya :
- Build index.html - include CSS
- Display a Maze with chosen difficulty level
- User can choose difficulty level (top-down or radio button)
- Start Button (when click, generate maze and display it)
- move the cowboy and count movement
- when the game finishes, display message (movement count, finish message, 'start' => 'start again')
- Irene : Introduce, Algorithm, generating maze
- Soumya : Count, Control Keys, Control HTML
- Thu (1hr) - Plan, Github creation, Discuss Basic
- Fri (3hr) - start : HTML - click start button, call display maze function. (with animation option) - end : movement count - monday
- Tue (2hr) - slide
- Wed - Presentation