a free (libre) open source, mobile OS for Ethereum
🎦 Learn re-frame course files for building Cheffy app
Clojure dialect for Flutter and Dart
A Mongo client for Clojure, lightly wrapping 3.11/4.0+ versions of the Java driver
Clojurescript library for interacting with Firebase
[Tutorial] Asynchronous Flutter chat client with Go chat server which are powered by gRPC (simple and streaming)
Write HTML-pages as Clojure maps, with all that meta. Bindings for garden and hiccup. Helps with PWA generation too. Offline-ready web apps with service workers, social meta and async stylesheets.
Clojure PWA example with page-renderer library
Scripting React-ive web apps in Clojure without installing it.
A small attempt to make an e-commerce user interface in Flutter for Android and iOS.
Landing Page for Practicalli for broadcasts, books and guides on Clojure, ClojureScript, Emacs, Spacemacs and more. Developed with ClojureScript and reagent, using figwheel.main
Interactive roadmaps, guides and other educational content to help developers grow in their careers.
Flutter Grocery Shopping App (Mobile App, Web App)