Graz University of Technology
- Graz, Austria
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/markus-reiter-haas/
- @Iseratho
AT Protocol (Authenticated Transfer Protocol behind Bluesky) R package
🦋 Bluesky custom feed algorithms server in Python 🐍
Official code repo for the O'Reilly Book - "Hands-On Large Language Models"
Contains the code for the paper "Generative agent-based modeling: an introduction and tutorial"
Source for the Applied Causal Inference book
A plotting tool that outputs Line Rider maps, so you can watch a man on a sled scoot down your loss curves. 🎿
Fast lexical search implementing BM25 in Python using Numpy, Numba and Scipy
Perplexica is an AI-powered search engine. It is an Open source alternative to Perplexity AI
FakeClaim: A Multiple Platform-driven Dataset for Identification of Fake News on 2023 Israel-Hamas War
[ICASSP'23] This repo contains code for the Demux & MEmo emotion recognition models (https://arxiv.org/abs/2210.15842), as well as code to leverage the emotion embeddings of Demux to perform zero-s…
This is a repository of public data sources for Recommender Systems (RS).
Tabular Deep Learning Library for PyTorch
lambdasonly / markdown-cv
Forked from elipapa/markdown-cva simple template to write your CV in a readable markdown file and use CSS to publish/print it.
Implementation of the first paper on word2vec
👔 A collection of cv and resume templates written in LaTeX. Leave an issue if your language is not supported!
Contrastive Pre-Training of Transformer Models for Computational Framing Analysis
Improved Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) template
Package to extract connotation frames