In the challenging economic landscape of 2023, students are facing unprecedented difficulties securing internships or full-time employment (FTE) opportunities. Unlike previous years, where job offers were plentiful, students now find themselves submitting hundreds of applications without guarantee of even an interview. The competition is fierce, with an overwhelming number of applicants vying for a limited number of positions at top companies. Job postings fill up rapidly, often within hours, making it challenging for students to stay informed and secure timely opportunities. The struggle is not just in securing offers but in obtaining relevant information about companies and their job postings in a timely manner.
Enter Snap Roles, an application designed to address this pressing issue. The program aims to provide instantaneous information about recent graduate and internship opportunities, with a latency as low as 10-15 minutes after a job posting. Leveraging official APIs from companies ensures the accuracy of the data provided.
As of now, the repository supports job information retrieval for two major companies:
- Microsoft
- Apple
The existing implementation addresses a singular facet of the architecture, employing Swagger as a tool for API interaction. It's worth noting that certain parameters, including recent graduate and intern status, are presently hardcoded. Furthermore, the notification and pinging service is yet to be implemented. Although a scheduler can be initiated directly on the hosting site, the current setup does include code for a database connection, albeit inactive. This database connection code is designed with future purposes in mind.
Snap Roles aims to gather job information directly from official company websites, utilizing freely available APIs. The program employs a scheduler that checks APIs every 15 minutes, resulting in an overall latency of 15 minutes. This ensures that students receive timely updates on job postings. While some companies have well-structured APIs providing timestamp information (e.g., Microsoft), others like Apple only return the date of the job posting. To address this, a system has been implemented to store job IDs and compare them with previous scheduler iterations, effectively identifying jobs posted in the last 15 minutes.
For companies with highly authenticated services, like Meta, web scraping becomes the method of choice. The scheduler can be adapted to run on a web scraper to fetch the latest job information.
Certain companies may initially post generic positions for all teams and later assign candidates accordingly. Additionally, individual managers, both from known and unknown companies (where the scheduler is operational), may post job opportunities on platforms like LinkedIn. For such cases, data scraping from LinkedIn posts or the LinkedIn Posts API can be employed, depending on guidelines.
Ensure Go is installed, and execute the following commands in the root folder.
To initialize and run Swagger, use the following command (this command will build, and run application server):
make swag_run
To clean the solution and remove binaries, run:
make clean
|-- snap_roles
|-- cmd
|-- .DS_Store
|-- model
|-- dbModel.go
|-- microsoftResponse.go
|-- api
|-- main.go
|-- pkg
|-- db
|-- azure_sql.go
|-- api
|-- routers
|-- router.go
|-- company_api.go
|-- controller
|-- jobs_controller.go
|-- helper
|-- helper.go
|-- handlers
|-- requests_handler.go
|-- go.mod
|-- .DS_Store
|-- stage.env
|-- Makefile
|-- internal
|-- .DS_Store
|-- constants
|-- construct_json_response.go
|-- constant.go
|-- go.sum
|-- docs
|-- swagger.yaml
|-- docs.go
|-- swagger.json
|-- .gitignore
|-- configs
|-- config.go
|-- .vscode
|-- launch.json
|-- assets
|-- .DS_Store
|-- images
|-- Blank board.png
This project utilizes unofficial APIs for informational purposes only. The use of these APIs is strictly on a non-monetary trial basis and is intended for educational and personal exploration. The project author does not endorse or encourage any unauthorized use of official APIs or any violations of terms of service from respective platforms.
Please be aware that using unofficial APIs may pose legal risks, and it is advised to respect the terms and conditions set by the platform providers. The project author disclaims any responsibility for consequences arising from the use of unofficial APIs in a manner inconsistent with platform policies.
Note: Ensure compliance with relevant terms of service and API usage policies to avoid legal implications.