- A number of scenarios with 3rd party integrations necessiate the need for a web hook to receive response.
- Case where a certain action is not completed immediately or is asynchronous, some partners opt to send a final response to a web hook.
- For example Safaricom Daraja sends the final transaction status and info as a postback/callback to a designated http endpoint, therefore in development scenarios debugging can be hard as you need to create an internet reachable http endpoint where you'll receive your postbacks.
- This simple tools helps you t-shoot this scenario by providing a convenient way for you to quickly receive this postbacks.
- Have your 3rd party send the postbacks to this app via the endpoint
and they are streamed real-time to a friendly web UI where you can inspect and t-shoot.
- Create
at server root, i.e.
cp server/.env.example server/.env
- Download Swag for generating docs
go install github.com/swaggo/swag/cmd/swag@latest
- Run
- NOTE: You have to generate swagger docs before running the app.
# Terminal 1
cd server # Navigate to the go app
swag init # Generates Swagger
go run main.go # Run the go app
# Terminal 2
cd client # Navigate to the react app
npm i # Install npm dependencies
npm run dev # Run the react app
- API Route
- Swagger Doc
- Web Socket URL
Toggle Connection on the web app using the switch and if connected status changes to connected
Send a Sample Postback to your listener endpoint
curl -X 'POST' \\
'' \\
-H 'accept: application/json' \\
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\
-d '{\
"event": "user_signup",\
"data": {\
"user_id": 12345,\
"username": "example_user",\
"email": "[email protected]"\
"timestamp": "2024-10-09T12:34:56Z"\
curl -X 'POST' \\
'' \\
-H 'accept: application/xml' \\
-H 'Content-Type: application/xml' \\
-d '<request>\
<email>[email protected]</email>\