This repo documents my Sofware Developement training journey at Power Learn Project to become a #1MillionDev4Africa
These are the modules covered in the curriculum
- Introduction to python
- Python Data Strucutures
- Flow control
- Functions
- Python Libraries
- Django
- CLI navigation
- Linux Directory structure
- Basic CLI commnads
- Permissions
- Bash Scripting
- Introduction to web Development
- Introduction to HTML
- HTML Links and Images
- HTML forms
- HTML input fields
- HTML tables
- Styling websites using CSS
- CSS selectors
- Padding, Margin and Opacity
- The Box model
- Flexbox
- Introduction to Javascript
- Javascript Events, eventlisteners and DOM
- Control flow in Javascript
- Loops
- Functions in Javascript
- Introduction to Dart
- Dart Datatypes
- Control flow and functions in Dart
- Object Oriented Programming
Database Systems
Data VS information
Entities and attributes
Data modelling
Introduction to SQL
Working with SQL
✅ Creating tables
✅ Joining tables
✅ Grouping Data
✅ Filtering Data
✅ Conditional statements
✅ Aggregate functions
✅ Set operations
Python Mini Project: Find the dictionary definition of a word