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⚔️ The Legend of Zelda: Link's Escape + Sprig Web Template 👾

This repository includes the open-source code for my game TLoZ: Link's Escape programmed using Sprig, an open source game console, web-based game editor, and hardware development kit. This also works as a template for you to implement your own games.

The aim of the game is to get the highest score possible, here's an overview of the mechanics:

  • Click on the game screen to get started, then use K to start the game and jump and J to restart the level.
  • Sometimes there will be Lynel instead of a Moblin, they run fast, so be ready!
  • If you see an enemy briefly change colour when it spawns in, then it's going to jump, so don't try to jump over it.
  • The game will get exponentially faster the longer you survive.
  • Link slowy gets further and further away from Gannon's Castle and closer to his house.
  • However, when he get's there, something's not quite right...
  • Try to beat my high score of 308! :)

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Template Quickstart

The index.html file has everything you need to get started, just add your js sprig game in the following segment replacing my game:

If you get lost, check how I implemented my game inside the index.html file!

<!-- The Sprig device's aspect ratio is 5:4  -->
<canvas width="500" height="400" id="canvas" tabindex="0"></canvas>

<script type="module">
  import { webEngine } from ""

  function runGame(api) {
    // Your game code here.

  const game = webEngine(document.getElementById("canvas"))

Remember, to make a Sprig game you'll need to use Sprig's Web Editor.


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