[Also check my blog post for this first release]
What's here? First of all, there are some Blend Behaviors. I love behaviors! Easy just as a Drag’n’Drop, yet so powerful! What’s even more great is that Windows 8.1 SDK has a Behaviors SDK, which, to no one's surprise, works with Windows Phone 8.1 Store apps. A limitation right now is that you can’t (at least easily) write Behaviors in a portable class library, that’s why I’ve implemented them in the Shared project. Let’s see them, one by one.
This behavior allows any element with a CompositeTransform to be dragged. It has options for inertia plus a container, in order to never be out of bounds (either by dragging or inertia movement). Plus, it has Boolean options for rotation and multitouch scaling.
This behavior allows for simple feedback (opacity change) when an element is pressed. Moreover, with the flexibility the Pointer API provides us it increases the scale when the mouse is over the element.
This behavior executes an animation when the user taps an element. Optionally, when it’s completed, it can fire up a custom method (this one’s using Reflection, if you know a better way let me know!).
TextBox related Behaviors
Here we have some custom validation behaviors. Basically, if you want a TextBox
to have a value different than String.Empty
Contain only Double values
Contain only Integer values
Contain e-mail string
Contain a string of a minimum length
you just provide the textbox to validate plus a textbox to show the error message and you’re done! You can force the check either on TextChanged event, on LostFocus event or both.
I want to use them. How?
Well, since I haven’t created a Portable Class Library with them, I can’t upload them on Nuget. So, for now, you’ll just have to go with the classic copy and paste method.
Storyboard Utilities
You can find a portable class library in the project that contains some Storyboard extension methods. In a nutshell, these methods allow you to
Translate an element on X and Y axis
Animate an element’s opacity
Rotate an element
Scale an element
Skew an element
Animate a color on either a Shape (Ellipse, Rectangle) or on a Panel’s Background (e.g. Grid, Stackpanel)
Move an element to another element’s coordinates on screen
Move an element to a series of elements coordinates
Animate a simple, single row spritesheet
The element must have a CompositeTransform, all methods are async and provide an optional Action parameter, in case you want to run a method at the completion of the Storyboard.