This project is a Data-Table application built with Vue 3, TypeScript, Pinia, and Vuetify. It allows users to view a table of products, search, paginate through products, and view detailed information about each product. It fetches data from the Dummy JSON API.
- Product Listing: View a table of products with columns for name, description, and price.
- Search: Search for products using a search field.
- Pagination: Navigate through pages of products.
- Product Details: View detailed information about a product by clicking on a table row.
- Error Handling: Display error messages when data fetching fails.
- Vue 3 (Composition API)
- TypeScript
- Pinia (State Management)
- Vuetify (UI Library)
- Vite (Build Tool)
├── assets/
├── components/
│ ├── ProductDetail.vue
│ └── ProductTable.vue
├── composables/
│ └── useProductFetch.ts
├── models/
│ └── Product.ts
├── router/
│ └── index.ts
├── services/
│ └── apiServices/
│ └── ProductApi/
│ ├── productService.ts
│ └── httpClient.ts
├── stores/
│ └── productStore.ts
├── tests/
│ └── components/
│ ├── ProductDetail.spec.ts
│ └── ProductTable.spec.ts
├── App.vue
├── main.ts
└── env.d.ts
git clone
cd product-dashboard
npm install
npm run dev
- Open the application in your browser.
- Use the search bar to filter products.
- Click on product rows to view detailed information.
- Navigate through pages using the pagination controls.