A complete Toolkit to interact with Supabase APIs from Elixir
The MVC framework for chat apps built on a platform designed for communication systems.
Schema creation, validation, serialization and deserialization for input data
Date/Time library for Elixir based upon intervals not instants
acuityinnovations / binance.ex
Forked from dvcrn/binance.exElixir wrapper for the Binance public API
3Commas bot helpers, AltRank, GalaxyScore, Watchlists, Auto-Compound, TrailingStopLoss, TakeProfitIncrement
Like, but BEAM-flavoured
Super simple build framework with fast, repeatable builds and an instantly familiar syntax – like Dockerfile and Makefile had a baby.
In-memory and distributed caching toolkit for Elixir.
A Pow store implementation that uses postgres as the backend
Phoenix 1.3 mailer context with separate phoenix views for mails
A Deep Learning Neural Network Example written in Elixir
Derives and generates mundane golang functions that you do not want to maintain yourself
The complete load testing platform. Everything you need for production-grade load tests. Serverless & distributed. Load test with Playwright. Load test HTTP APIs, GraphQL, WebSocket, and more. Use …
💎 A collection of awesome Ruby libraries, tools, frameworks and software
Ivor / stateflow
Forked from ryanza/stateflowState machine that allows dynamic transitions for business workflows
Ivor / jquery-calendrical
Forked from tobico/jquery-calendricalPlugin for jQuery that provides popup date and time pickers inspired by Google Calender
Plugin for jQuery that provides popup date and time pickers inspired by Google Calender
State machine that allows dynamic transitions for business workflows
A Google Custom Search module for BrowserCMS
Adds an #explain method to ActiveRecord::Base which prints the output of the Mysql EXPLAIN command for all the queries in the given block.
acts_as_solr active_record plugin to make your active_record models indexable using the Solr full text search tool
A universal interface to import email contacts from various providers including Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, AOL and Plaxo.
A Rails plugin that lets you embed actions in your views (with caching and response_to support)