🐙 Guides, papers, lecture, notebooks and resources for prompt engineering
Python code for implementing a Vickrey-Clarke-Groves auction
Playground for testing Horizontal Federated Machine Learning systems using the Shapley Value for profit allocation
⚔️ Blades: A Unified Benchmark Suite for Attacks and Defenses in Federated Learning
Example of the attack described in the paper "Towards Poisoning of Deep Learning Algorithms with Back-gradient Optimization"
Code for NDSS 2021 Paper "Manipulating the Byzantine: Optimizing Model Poisoning Attacks and Defenses Against Federated Learning"
PyTorch implementation of Federated Learning with Non-IID Data, and federated learning algorithms, including FedAvg, FedProx.
This is the code for our paper `Robust Federated Learning with Attack-Adaptive Aggregation' accepted by FTL-IJCAI'21.
Perception Poisoning Attacks in Federated Learning
The official code of KDD22 paper "FLDetecotor: Defending Federated Learning Against Model Poisoning Attacks via Detecting Malicious Clients"
Code for the IEEE S&P 2018 paper 'Manipulating Machine Learning: Poisoning Attacks and Countermeasures for Regression Learning'
Implementation of the estimator for combining noisy observations from Dawid and Skene (1979)
Python Implementation of Dawid and Skene's EM Algorithm.
Code for the algorithms in the paper: Vaibhav B Sinha, Sukrut Rao, Vineeth N Balasubramanian. Fast Dawid-Skene: A Fast Vote Aggregation Scheme for Sentiment Classification. KDD WISDOM 2018
TruthFinder finds true facts from a large amount of conflicting information
How Robust are Randomized Smoothing based Defenses to Data Poisoning? (CVPR 2021)
[Preprint] On the Effectiveness of Mitigating Data Poisoning Attacks with Gradient Shaping
A unified benchmark problem for data poisoning attacks
Evaluate truth inference methods in crowdsourcing under data poisoning attack
Code for Data Poisoning Attacks Against Federated Learning Systems
An open-source academic paper management tool.
AAAI 2023 accepted paper, FedALA: Adaptive Local Aggregation for Personalized Federated Learning