Bindings for ENT functions for 32 and 64-bit integers in various languages. Targeting gcc, g++, gfortran, and gnat. May work in other compilers but it is not currently designed to. To use this library run
git clone https:://
Go into the directory
cd NT-Bind
Compile the library one of three ways: dynamic {default}, static, or Debian package {dynamic}
cargo build --release
Then copy the library produced to /lib/. All further instructions are assuming that the user has copied the library to /lib
cp NT-Bind/target/release/ /lib/
Edit the Cargo.toml to change the cdylib to staticlib. Then perform the same steps as with the dynamic example except now the library is called libnumbertheory.a
Enter the NT-Bind folder and run cargo deb {if it has been installed}
cd NT-Bind && cargo deb
Then install the debian package. This will automatically install the dynamic library into the /lib folder
apt install NT-Bind/target/release/nt-bind-0.0.18.deb
In the future this library may be distributed in the Debian repository
Generically implemented NumberTheory for all T in range <>
and T in mod <>
To use run
gnatmake test.adb -largs /lib/numbertheory
gnatmake will automatically compile the other files that nt_ada.adb depends on. Ada implements exception handling for values that cannot be computed within the integer range or do not exist
Not implemented
Not implemented
Generically implemented NumberTheory for Integer(Kind=4) and Integer(Kind=8) To use run
gfortran test.f08 numbertheory.f08 /lib/
To use this library include it at the start of the file or REPL. (incomplete)
Not implemented