In software engineering, dependency injection is a design pattern in which an object receives other objects that it depends on. A form of inversion of control, dependency injection aims to separate the concerns of constructing objects and using them.
In this case Pay depends directly on PayMethod and you are not able to
easily change PayMethod.
Notice that if you want to write Unit Test for Pay
you will face issue with switching PayMethod.
func Pay() {
// initialize a pay method inside Pay
payMethod := PayMethod{
name: "CB"
// use PayMethod to do things
if payMethod === "CB" {
println("pay with CB success")
} else if payMethod === "VISA" {
println("pay with VISA success")
In this case Pay gets PayMethod front its arguments.
Notice that if you want to write Unit Test for Pay
you pass in any PayMethod you want in the argument.
// get pay method from argument
func Pay(payMethod PayMethod) {
// use PayMethod to do things
if payMethod === "CB" {
println("pay with CB success")
} else if payMethod === "VISA" {
println("pay with VISA success")
Fetch the project and run the unit test
> git clone [email protected]:adeo/dependency-injection.git
> go test ./...
--- FAIL: TestComputeWeeksLeftBeforeNextYear (0.04s)
expected: [~ 46 weeks left this year]
received: [~ 36 weeks left this year]
FAIL main/cmd 0.158s
Now you should try to use dependency injection to make the unit test pass 😉🤞🏽