Litmus is a command line tool that allows you to run acceptance tests against Puppet modules.
Litmus allows you to:
Provision targets to test against
Install a Puppet agent
Install a module
Run tests
Tear down the infrastructure
Litmus also facilitates parallel test runs and running tests in isolation. Each step is standalone, allowing other operations between test runs, such as debugging or configuration updates on the test targets.
Install Litmus as a gem by running gem install puppet_litmus
- Note if you choose to override the
location, please ensure that the directory strutcture you define exists.
matrix_from_metadata_v2 tool generates github actions matrix from metadata.json
How to use it: in the project module root directory run bundle exec matrix_from_metadata_v2
matrix_from_metadata_v2 accepts --exclude-platforms <JSON array>
option in order to exclude some platforms from GA matrixes.
In order to use this new functionality just simply run:
$: bundle exec matrix_from_metadata_v2 --exclude-platforms '["debian-11","centos-8"]'
Note: The option value should be JSON string otherwise it will throw an error. The values provided in the json array are case-insensitive
are treated as being the same.
For documentation, see our Litmus Docs Site.