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Running Challenge

Prep For Challenge

Clone the Repository

git clone [email protected]:spwisner/running-challenge.git

Enter the repository folder (running-challenge) and create a new branch that will be called challenge-work (see code).


cd running-challenge
git checkout -b my-work

Install Dependencies


bundle install

Create a .env for sensitive settings


touch .env

Copy and Paste the following code in the .env file:


Build a local database


bin/rails db:nuke_pave

Run the Server


rails s

Create User Account (username will be Z@Z and password will be Z - you will not need to deal with manually entering credentials)


sh scripts/

Output => {"user":{"id":1,"email":"Z@Z"}}

Curl Requests:

Step 4 gives an example of a curl request. All curl requests will require you to include a user token. The user token is printed when you complete the sign-in curl request:

sh scripts/

Output => {"user":{"id":1,"email":"Z@Z","token":"BAhJIiU1YzFiNjYyY2ZhNTE5ODQ0ODcyMzY5YWIyOWM5NmI3YgY6BkVG--13edc0930cafab1c06b74037b9bf137719bdbab7"}}

I included example curl requests in the "scripts" folder (there is also an example controller, example model, and example serializer)

After you write a curl request using the examples provided in "script" folder, you will run them by typing the following into the command line:

All curl requests will require that a user be signed-in and have a valid token. As a result, you must make sure that you include a token in every curl request

To Create:

Create Example 1

TOKEN=BAhJIiU2YzNjOGY3MGI1MGNkZTQ0OWE2NDRkNzUyYmZhYjNjZgY6BkVG--9ac321a2b3d104cf4856b376ace6b2aed42a0e93 TEXT="TEXT ONE" BOOL="true" sh scripts/

Output => {"example":{"id":1,"text":"TEXT ONE","bool":true,"editable":true}}

Create Example 2

TOKEN=BAhJIiU2YzNjOGY3MGI1MGNkZTQ0OWE2NDRkNzUyYmZhYjNjZgY6BkVG--9ac321a2b3d104cf4856b376ace6b2aed42a0e93 TEXT="TEXT TWO" BOOL="false" sh scripts/

Output => {"example":{"id":2,"text":"TEXT TWO","bool":false,"editable":true}}

To Get:

TOKEN=BAhJIiU2YzNjOGY3MGI1MGNkZTQ0OWE2NDRkNzUyYmZhYjNjZgY6BkVG--9ac321a2b3d104cf4856b376ace6b2aed42a0e93 sh scripts/

Output => {"examples":[{"id":1,"text":"TEXT ONE","bool":true,"editable":true},{"id":2,"text":"TEXT TWO","bool":false,"editable":true}]}

To Show:

TOKEN=BAhJIiU2YzNjOGY3MGI1MGNkZTQ0OWE2NDRkNzUyYmZhYjNjZgY6BkVG--9ac321a2b3d104cf4856b376ace6b2aed42a0e93 ID=2 sh scripts/

Output => {"example":{"id":2,"text":"TEXT TWO","bool":false,"editable":true}}

To Update:

TOKEN=BAhJIiU2YzNjOGY3MGI1MGNkZTQ0OWE2NDRkNzUyYmZhYjNjZgY6BkVG--9ac321a2b3d104cf4856b376ace6b2aed42a0e93 ID=1 TEXT="Text One Updated" sh scripts/

Output => {"example":{"id":1,"text":"Text One Updated","bool":true,"editable":true}}

Format for Answering Questions

Below is a list of tasks that will need to be completed. After you complete a given task, you will need to do the following:

  1. Describe (in general), how you completed a goal. Specifically, please describe if you accomplished your goal by writing code in this repository, or if you used the command line. If you use the command line, please cut and paste the command line code into this README file
  2. Next, save your updated code using git by typing the following into the command line:

(a) add the code to git

git add example-file.js

or a shortcut for adding multiple files at once:

git add .

(b) commit your work:

git commit

(c) After you type commit, you will be prompted to enter a commit message. The commit message should always state the question you just completed. For example: "Answer to Question 2"

Note: Close the commit message window in your text editor (e.g. close the atom commit message window. Your text editor may refuse to let you continue coding until this window is closed.)

App Description

Assume we are making an app that keeps track of our runs for the marathon.

We want the user to monitor the following information about his or her daily training runs. The user wants to be able to store the following information:

  1. Date of the Run
  2. Difficulty (on a scale of 1 to 10)
  3. Distance in Miles
  4. Time it took to complete the run
  5. Notes


Question 1:

Create a Run Table with the columns: date, difficulty, distance, time, pace, and notes.

Important: Make sure to include a user reference so that the record is associated with a particular user

Create the table to be consistant with the information below:

Date Difficulty Distance Time Pace Notes
user submits: yes yes yes yes no yes
user receives: yes yes yes yes yes yes
data type date integer float time time text

Briefly, how did you approach this problem and create the table? Did you generate code using the command line? If so, copy and past the copy in the space below:

---Your Answer Start---

First, I generated a scafford of the RunRecord controller:

bin/rails generate scaffold RunRecord date:date difficulty:integer distance:float time:float pace:float notes:string

Opening up app/controllers/run_records_controller.rb, I added the following line under the instantiation of the RunRecord object:

@run_record.pace = (@run_record.time/@run_record.distance).round(2)

This generates a value for pace.

To permit certain parameters, I also modified the private run_record_params method:

params.require(:run_record).permit(:date, :difficulty, :distance, :time, :notes)

In this case, I removed the :pace key from run_record.

I created a new shell script (scripts/ with the following text:


curl "${API}${URL_PATH}" \
  --include \
  --request POST \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --header "Authorization: Token token=$TOKEN" \
  --data '{
    "run_record": {
      "date": "'"${DATE}"'",
      "difficulty": "'"${DIFFICULTY}"'",
      "distance": "'"${DISTANCE}"'",
      "time": "'"${TIME}"'",
      "pace": "'"${PACE}"'",
      "notes": "'"${NOTES}"'"


Going back to the command line, I had to set attributes individually because I am running on Windows:

set TOKEN=my_token
set DATE=2017-01-01
set DISTANCE=1.5
set TIME=15
set PACE=9
set NOTES=No notes for this day
sh scripts/

I added a PACE value just to test and make sure that the .permit method was working properly.

On the server shell, I get a message:

Unpermitted parameter: pace

which tells me my .permit method is working. In the shell, I also get the following output as a result of my curl request:

{"run_record":{"id":1,"date":"2017-01-01","difficulty":4,"distance":1.5,"time":15.0,"pace":10.0,"notes":"No notes for this day"}}

This tells me that what I entered has been recorded in the database. The ID parameter tells me the record number for this particular user in the database.

---Your Answer End---

-------------------------------------------------- --------STOP - Add and Commit Your Work----------- --------------------------------------------------

Question 2:

Next, we decided that we want to make certain entries optional, some required, and some not allowed. Please require the user to enter the date, difficulty, distance, and time of a given run. Allow users to enter notes if they choose, but make this optional. Finally, do not allow a user to submit their pace

Note: Submissions that do not include a required field or include a pace (which is not allow) must be rejected and partial records should not be created. In other words, do not omit or have ruby ignore values that are not allowed. Instead, reject the entire submission.

Briefly, how did you approach this problem and create the table? Did you generate code using the command line? If so, copy and past the copy in the space below:

---Your Answer Start---

I added the following section to the run_record_params method in run_records_controller.rb to reject pace:

if params[:run_record].values_at(:pace) != [""] and (params[:run_record].has_key?(:pace) == true)
  ActionController::Parameters.action_on_unpermitted_parameters = :raise
  ActionController::Parameters.action_on_unpermitted_parameters = :log

This will cause an exception to be raised if pace is non-empty, and no exception to be raised if either pace is left blank (has value of [""]) or pace was not included in the curl script (has value of [nil]).

The following code requires date, difficulty, distance, and time:

params[:run_record].require([:date, :difficulty, :distance, :time]) #requires :date, :difficulty, :distance, :time to be as an embedded hash in :run_record
params.require(:run_record).permit(:date, :difficulty, :distance, :time, :notes) #permits the preceding required parameters to be a part of the :run_record object

The problem with adding :distance or :time to the model is that the parameters are processed in the model after the controller. If :pace is calculated in the controller and :time is missing, then Ruby will throw an error because :distance is being divided by a nil value. Therefore, :time at least needs to validated in the controller stage.

Now, if either pace is non-empty or any of the required fields are missing, an error is raised to the development environment. For example, an error will return if:

set PACE=20

but an error will not return if:

set PACE=

or if we change the curl script to be:


curl "${API}${URL_PATH}" \
  --include \
  --request POST \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --header "Authorization: Token token=$TOKEN" \
  --data '{
    "run_record": {
      "date": "'"${DATE}"'",
      "difficulty": "'"${DIFFICULTY}"'",
      "distance": "'"${DISTANCE}"'",
      "time": "'"${TIME}"'",
      "notes": "'"${NOTES}"'"


---Your Answer End---

-------------------------------------------------- --------STOP - Add and Commit Your Work----------- --------------------------------------------------

Question 3:

Next, we need to add a validation to the existing table. Create a validation for difficulty that only accepts submissions that are integers between 1 and 10. Also, create a validation to make sure that a person has not submitted a future date.

---Your Answer Start---

Going into the run_record.rb model, I added the following lines of code:

validates :difficulty, inclusion: { in: 1..10 }, numericality: { only_integer: true }
validates_each :date do |record, attr, value|
  record.errors.add(attr, 'date must be before today or today') if value >

The line validates :difficulty, inclusion: { in: 1..10 }, numericality: { only_integer: true } ensures that :difficulty is both an integer and within the range of 1-10. The numericality portion is a bit redunant because the difficulty input was already scaffolded as a variable and transferred to the database in the migration as an integer. This was just something I added so that I can learn and test out all the different options to validate a model.

The following lines:

validates_each :date do |record, attr, value|
  record.errors.add(attr, 'date must be before today or today') if value >

ensure that the value of :date is not equal to today. It breaks :date down into three components: its record, its attributes, and its value. I only need to compare the value to the Ruby generated object. I tried many different ways and this was the only way that worked. If you can let me know if a better way to do this, I appreciate it.

To test this, I changed:

set DATE=2018-01-01

And ran the scripts/create-run_record.rb script. Both inputs generate errors as expected. Both inputs set to appropriate values allow a record to pass, as expected.

---Your Answer End---

-------------------------------------------------- --------STOP - Add and Commit Your Work----------- --------------------------------------------------

Question 4:

We want the average mile pace to be stored in the table without the user having to calculate this information. Using Ruby, make this calculation for the user and have the results stored in the table

Briefly, how did you approach this problem and create the table? Did you generate code using the command line? If so, copy and past the copy in the space below:

---Your Answer Start---

This was covered in my results for Question #1. I added this line to my run_records_controller.rb:

@run_record.pace = (@run_record.time/@run_record.distance).round(2)

This creates a value for pace from time and distance. Because I do this in the controller, time has to be validated in the controller stage, or else a "divided by nil" error will occur. To keep things consistent, I validated the presence/absence of all input variables in the controller stage and validated their values (see Question #3) in the model stage.

---Your Answer End---

-------------------------------------------------- --------STOP - Add and Commit Your Work----------- --------------------------------------------------

Question 5:

We realized that calculating the pace and storing the value creates a problem if someone updates their distance or the time of their run. Using Ruby, have the pace automatically updated if a user updates either the distance or the time of a given run.

Briefly, how did you approach this problem and create the table? Did you generate code using the command line? If so, copy and past the copy in the space below:

---Your Answer Start---

I changed the update method in run_records_controller.rb to reflect the following:

def update
  @run_record = RunRecord.find(params[:id])
  params[:run_record][:pace] = (params[:run_record][:time].to_f/params[:run_record][:distance].to_f).round(2)

  if @run_record.update(params.require(:run_record).permit(:distance, :time, :pace))
    render json: @run_record
    render json: @run_record.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity

The line @run_record = RunRecord.find(params[:id]) selects the record indicated by the supplied ID value.

params[:run_record][:pace] = (params[:run_record][:time].to_f/params[:run_record][:distance].to_f).round(2) calculates a new key in params called pace from the values of time and distance.

Since the user is only updating time and distance, if the other inputs are nil, Rails will throw an error. Thus, I had to permit only the parameters that have been imputed/modified for this particular update using this params.require(:run_record).permit(:distance, :time, :pace).

To test, I changed:

set ID=2
set TIME=26

on a record with ID equal to 2. The code ran appropriately.

---Your Answer End---

-------------------------------------------------- --------STOP - Add and Commit Your Work----------- --------------------------------------------------

Question 6:

Now, we decide that we need to add a column to the table. Add a column "Finished" which will accept boolean values. This represents whether or not a run was complete. The user will be able to submit this information, which is not required. However, there will be a default value of false associated with each row.

Briefly, how did you approach this problem and create the table? Did you generate code using the command line? If so, copy and past the copy in the space below:

---Your Answer Start---

First, I had Rails generate a new migration:

rails generate migration add_finished_to_run_records finished:bool
rake db:migrate

This creates a change in the original migration (adds a column) and allows up to update the schema to reflect the new change.

Then, I had to alter the run_records_params method in run_records_controller.rb to add :finished to the list of permitted, but not required variables:

def run_record_params
  params[:run_record].require([:date, :difficulty, :distance, :time])
  params.require(:run_record).permit(:date, :difficulty, :distance, :time, :notes, :finished)

I also had to add :finished to be one of the update-able inputs:

def update
  if @run_record.update(params.require(:run_record).permit(:distance, :time, :pace, :finished))
    render json: @run_record
    render json: @run_record.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity

After that, I had to modify the run_record_serializer.rb so that finished will show up in a POST/GET call:

class RunRecordSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
  attributes :id, :date, :difficulty, :distance, :time, :pace, :notes, :finished

Then, after adding appropriate curl options to scripts/ and scripts/update-run_record.rb, I set a new value:

set FINISHED=true

and ran the code to get finished to be a parameter to be added to the table.

---Your Answer End---

-------------------------------------------------- --------STOP - Add and Commit Your Work----------- --------------------------------------------------

Question 7:

Next, we find that no one is using the notes column of the app. Delete this column.

---Your Answer Start---

I generated a new migration using the following code:

rails generate migration remove_notes_from_run_records notes:string
rails db:migrate

Afterwards, I deleted the :notes symbol from run_record_serializer.rb.

---Your Answer End---

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Question 8:

Finally, our users tell us that they do not want to receive all the results. Instead, they only want the data returned of runs they completed. Make the necessary changes so that only completed runs are returned

---Your Answer Start---

I added the following to the index method in run_records_controller.rb:

def index
  @run_records = RunRecord.all
  @run_records = @run_records.where(:finished => true)

This filters out all the @run_record values where :finished is not true. Similiarly, I added the following to the show method in run_records_controller.rb:

def show
  @run_records = @run_records.where(:finished => true)

Though if an index is pointed to a record with :finished as false, then the show method returns a nil error. Is there a better way to do this?

I tested this by making a few observations that were true for finished and a few that were false, and running the scripts/get-run_records.rb shell script to see the results.

---Your Answer End---

-------------------------------------------------- --------STOP - Add and Commit Your Work----------- --------------------------------------------------

Bonus 1 - Optional

Update your last answer so that only completed runs in which the runner completes a 5 mile run under 8 minute mile pace get returned.

---Your Answer Start---

I modified the .where methods found in Question #8 to read:

@run_records = @run_records.where(:finished => true).where("distance >= :distcomp AND pace < :pacecomp", distcomp: 5, pacecomp: 8)

in both the index and show methods. This filters the results again so that all results need to have a distance of greater than or equal to 5 miles and a pace of less than 8 minutes per mile. As per the last question, all results need to be completed runs.

Testing this with a few different distances and pace times indicates that Rails is able to filter the results appropriately.

---Your Answer End---

-------------------------------------------------- --------STOP - Add and Commit Your Work----------- --------------------------------------------------

Bonus 2 - Optional

Our users tell us that they do not want to receive all the results. Instead, they only want the data returned of runs they completed. Make the necessary changes so that only completed runs are returned

---Your Answer Start---

same as Question #8.

I added the following to the index method in run_records_controller.rb:

def index
  @run_records = RunRecord.all
  @run_records = @run_records.where(:finished => true)

This filters out all the @run_record values where :finished is not true. Similiarly, I added the following to the show method in run_records_controller.rb:

def show
  @run_records = @run_records.where(:finished => true)

Though if an index is pointed to a record with :finished as false, then the show method returns a nil error. Is there a better way to do this?

I tested this by making a few observations that were true for finished and a few that were false, and running the scripts/get-run_records.rb shell script to see the results.

---Your Answer End---

-------------------------------------------------- --------STOP - Add and Commit Your Work----------- --------------------------------------------------


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