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Creates an image (TIFF) of a mandelbrot fractal. Parallelized using MPI and OpenMP

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Parallel Mandelbrot


This project creates an image of a Mandelbrot fractal. This repository contains three separate codes: a serial version, an OpenMP version, and a hybrid OpenMP and MPI version.

This project uses the Distance Estimator method to calculate the Mandelbrot set. Each pixel requires its own independent unit of work. Because these units of work are independent, it is a prime candidate for parallelizaion.

The code will perform an iterative calculation at each point that will determine weather if the point escapes the set. If the point doesn't escape, then it is considered part of the Mandelbrot set and the pixel is painted black.

The Distance Estimator comes into play if the point escapes very slowly (takes many iterations before it escapes). For visualization purposes, we consider these points to be part of the set. By doing this, it will "reveal" more of the set than the standard method.

####Serial This code is located in serial_mandelbrot.c. At the beginning of the serial code, a 2 dimensional grid is allocated in memory. This grid will hold either a 1 or 0 in each element to represent whether a point is in the set or not.

The code then iterates over each point in the grid and performs the Distance Estimator calculation. When the calculation determines if the point escapes, it breaks out of the loop and writes a "0" in the grid for that point. Else, it will infer that the point does not escape and will write a "1" in the grid.

After iterating over each point, the grid is then passed to a function (in tiff.c) that will write out a TIFF image to the current working directory.

####OpenMP The OpenMP parallelized version of this code is availible in the file mp_mandel.c. The important difference fom the serial version is the following OpenMP pragma statement. As you can see on line 53 it reads

#pragma omp for

This tells the compiler to separate the enclosed for() loop's iterations and run them in parallel on different threads. This is possible because the calculation for each point is independent on any of the surrounding points' calculations.

Again, once the calculations are complete, we rely on tiff.c to save the image.

####Hybrid OpenMP and MPI This code is available in the file openmp_mpi_mandelbrot.c At the beginning, the MPI instance is created by calling

MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);

Again, a two dimensional grid is allocated. Next, the image is broken up into sets of rows based on the number of MPI ranks. Rank 0 will then send the starting row number and ending row number as well as the total number of points to be calcuated upon to the appropriate process.

The ranks are theoretically divided into 2 groups of processes: manager and compute. Rank 0 is the only process that belongs to the manager group whereas the rest are compute ranks.

On each compute rank a smaller grid is allocated based upon the total number of points to be calculated (or chunkSize).

The points are then iterated over the same way as in the OpenMP version. While the calcuations are being performed on the compute ranks, the manager rank is waiting to recieve the completed chunks of the image.

Once the calculation is complete, that rank will send the grid to the manager rank and will then be copied onto the large grid at the appropriate place, based upon the sending rank number.

Once all processes have finished and sent their respective grids, rank 0 will finish assembling the overall image grid and pass it to the image writing function defined in tiff.c. The image will then be written out to the current directory.

Finally we wrap up by calling


###Building libTIFF

libTIFF must be compiled and available in your home directory (for Titan). You can skip this section if you are compiling and running on Rhea. If you need to build libTIFF yourself, use the Ruby script in the buildTiff directory.


If you want to install it to a directory that isn't the default, use

./buildTiff.rb --prefix /path/to/install/directory

NOTE: the Makefile will need to be editied to reflect this directory change!

###Compiling on Titan

Before you can compile on Titan, the makefile needs to be edited and < PROJID > needs to be changed to the appropriate project id. To compile run...

make titanSerial (for serial version)

make titanOMP (for OpenMP parallelized version)

make titanHybrid (for hybrid OpenMP and MPI parallelized version)

###Compiling on Rhea

Before you can compile on Rhea, the makefile needs to be edited and < PROJID > needs to be changed to the appropriate project id. To compile on Rhea run...

make rheaSerial (for serial version)

make rheaOMP (for OpenMP parallelized version)

make rheaHybrid (for hybrid OpenMP and MPI parallelized version)

NOTE: You can use the rules for compiling on Rhea on other general clusters that have libTIFF already installed in the default location.


This can be run from either an interactive job or by submitting a batch script. Make sure to use the correct batch script on the appropriate machine (titan.pbs for titan and rhea.pbs for rhea). Before submitting either batch script, edit the script and change the 2 instances of < PROJID > to your appropriate project id. After doing that, save and then run

qsub titan.pbs

for Titan. To run on Rhea, simply run

qsub rhea.pbs

This can also be run from an interactive job. To do this, run the command

qsub -I -V -A< PROJID > -lnodes=< number of nodes needed >,walltime=2:00:00

Don't forget to replace < PROJID > and < number of nodes needed > with your project ID and number of nodes, respectively. When in your interactive job, run

aprun -n<number of processes> ./Mandelbrot

or on Rhea, run

mpirun -n<number of processes> Mandelbrot

again replacing < number of processes > with the number of processes you want to run. Running this will create a TIFF image in your $MEMBERWORK/< PROJID > directory.

The resolution can be changed by editing the nx and ny variables and changing maxiter will change how many iterations are performed before determining if the point escapes or not.

The image will be called output.tif and will look like this:

The Mandelbrot


Creates an image (TIFF) of a mandelbrot fractal. Parallelized using MPI and OpenMP






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Contributors 3
