This is a notebook from Jace Yang.
注意!为了保护版权,本repo的main branch不会再进行更新啦~ 如果你想基于我的笔记进行后续的修改,可以基于目前main branch的版本进行~具体操作方式⬇️
Set up|第一次起笔记环境:
conda create --name jupybook conda activate jupybook conda install -c conda-forge python=3 conda install -c conda-forge 'jupyterlab>=3.0.0,<4.0.0a0' jupyterlab-lsp pip install 'python-lsp-server[all]' pip install -U jupyter-book pip install ghp-import pip install sphinx-inline-tabs pip install sphinx-proof
Everytime edit the code|小幅度更新:
- Just want to check the result locally|本地查看:
conda activate jupybook cd book rm -r _build jupyter-book build --all ./ cp -R images _build/html/images open -a "Google Chrome" _build/html/index.html
- Looks good? Push the result|网页更新:
conda activate jupybook cd book rm -r _build jupyter-book build --all ./ cp -R images _build/html/images open -a "Google Chrome" _build/html/index.html ghp-import -n -p -f _build/html open -a "Google Chrome"
Lots of updates on the pages? Also make the main branch up-to-date|大幅度更新:
rm -r _build cd .. git add . git commit -m "新增机器学习模块📒" git push origin main open -a "Google Chrome"