Hi there! I'm Jack Collett👋
An ambitious software engineer, recently graduated from the Makers Software Development Bootcamp. Being a life-long tech ethusiast with a business-oriented background has led me to this exciting avenue. Future advancements and developments in technology excites me to keep exploring new ideas and envisige new possibilities.
Name | Description | Tech/tools |
The Neurons | A webapp to track cognitive and emotional energy levels | MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js, Vitest, Jest |
MakersBnb | An AirBnb styled webapp that allows users to book rooms for the night | Python, HTML, CSS, Pytest, PostgreSQL, Playwright |
Acebook | A Facebook styled webapp that allows users to Log in, create posts, like and comment | MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js, Jest |
Check out my GitHub CV