recon with subdomain listing, port scanning, dirsearch
____ ________________ _ __
____ __________ _____ ____ _ / __ \/ ____/ ____/ __ \/ | / /
/ __ `/ ___/ __ `/ __ \/ __ `/_____/ /_/ / __/ / / / / / / |/ /
/ /_/ / / / /_/ / / / / /_/ /_____/ _, _/ /___/ /___/ /_/ / /| /
\__,_/_/ \__,_/_/ /_/\__, / /_/ |_/_____/\____/\____/_/ |_/
usage: arangrecon [-h] [-d DOMAIN] [-s] [-ds] [-o OUTPUT] [-oJ OUTPUT_JSON] [-f FILTER] [-p PASSIVE] [-fs FULLSCAN] [--ports PORTS] [-q QUIET]
recon web service by input domain
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d DOMAIN, --domain DOMAIN
target domain
-s, --screenshot take screenshot when opened port is assumed to HTTP(S)
-ds, --dirsearch do dirsearch when opened port is assumed to HTTP(S)
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
save plain text result to given path
-oJ OUTPUT_JSON, --output-json OUTPUT_JSON
save json type result to given path
-f FILTER, --filter FILTER
only scan matched filter text
-p PASSIVE, --passive PASSIVE
port scanning without subdomain listing, this argument get domain list file path
-fs FULLSCAN, --fullscan FULLSCAN
full port scan(1-65535)
--ports PORTS scan with given ports(file)
-q QUIET, --quiet QUIET
quiet mode
> git clone --recurse-submodules
> cd subfinder/v2
> make
- you should download
for windows(install here) - install subfinder by
go install
> go install -v
- move subfinder binary(usually at
) to.\arangrecon\subfinder\v2\
> python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
> python3 -m pip install -r requirements_win.txt
# you should set nmap path when your host is windows
nmappath = "%your nmap binary path at here%"
> python3 -d -oJ arang.kr_result.txt --screenshot --dirsearch -fs
- if use this options,
- subdomain find by ""
- json output to "arang.kr_result.txt"
- nmap scan(with fullscan(-fs)) subdomains which is identified by subfinder
- take screenshot when exposure port is HTTP(S) service
- do dirsearch when exposure port is HTTP(S) service