Gru is a node clustering helper, because he is the master of the minions
Is a Fork of with quite a few improvements relating to having a separate startup and running phase.
A single master can control two kinds of workers:
Generic workers. Workers who all perform the same task
Dedicated workers. Workers who each perform a unique task.
import { gru } from 'gru'
const numCpus = os.cpus().length
workers: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? numCpus : 1,
lifetime: Infinity,
master: async () => {
// Master initialisation here
start: async () => {
// Generic worker initialisation
dedicatedWorkers: {
uniqueTask1: () => {
// Dedicated worker initialization
uniqueTask2: () => {
// Dedicated worker initialization
Number of generic workers, if 0, starts in process (useful for debugging). Defaults to # of cpu cores
ms to keep cluster alive or 'until-killed'
ms grace period after worker SIGTERM (default 5000)
Compatible with Bunyan, Winston and TypeScript-log style logging interfaces, logs gru activity
The master process callback.
Optionally can return a promise if there is startup work before worker is considered started.
If the returned promise resolves a value, it will be passed to the workers.
master: async () => {
const config = await loadConfig()
return { config }
start: ({ masterArgs }) => {
masterArgs.config // will be the config returned from the master process
The worker callback.
If the worker returns a promise and it rejects, it signals to gru that the worker failed to start and will not be restarted. Once a worker has started the lifecycle policy will apply (ie workers which crash will be restarted)
The set of unique worker processes.
master: async () => {
start: () => {
dedicatedWorkers: {
express: () => {
// Start an Express server
fileIngestion: () => {
// Monitor a directory for zip files to process