IVI Homescreen for Wayland
- Strongly Typed (C++)
- Lightweight
- Clang 11 Release Stripped = 151k
- GCC 9.3 Release Stripped = 168k
- Source runs on Desktop and Yocto Linux
- Ubuntu 18+
- Fedora 33+
- Yocto Dunfell+
- Platform Channels enabled/disabled via CMake
- OpenGL Texture Framework
You can enable the sanitizers with SANITIZE_ADDRESS, SANITIZE_MEMORY, SANITIZE_THREAD or SANITIZE_UNDEFINED options in your CMake configuration. You can do this by passing e.g. -DSANITIZE_ADDRESS=On on your command line.
If sanitizers are supported by your compiler, the specified targets will be build with sanitizer support. If your compiler has no sanitizing capabilities you'll get a warning but CMake will continue processing and sanitizing will simply just be ignored.
This is the default build configuration. To manually build EGL Backend use
To build Vulkan Backend use
Running Vulkan requires an engine version that supports Vulkan. Stable does not yet support Vulkan.
If an override file is not present, it gets loaded from default location.
Bundle Override
{bundle path}/data/icudtl.dat
Yocto Default
Desktop Default
Bundle Override
{bundle path}/lib/libflutter_engine.so
Yocto/Desktop Default - https://tldp.org/HOWTO/Program-Library-HOWTO/shared-libraries.html
--a={int value}
- Sets the Engine's initial state of Accessibility Feature support. Requires an integer value.
- Disables the cursor.
- Outputs backend debug information. If Vulkan and Validation Layer is available, it will be loaded.
- Sets window to fullscreen.
--w={int value}
- Sets View width. Requires an integer value.
--h={int value}
- Sets View height. Requires an integer value.
--p={int value}
- Sets Pixel Ratio. Requires a double value.
- Sets cursor theme to load. e.g. --t=DMZ-White
--b={path to folder}
- Sets the Bundle Path. A bundle path expects the following folder structure:
Flutter Application (bundle folder)
data/icudtl.dat (optional - overrides system path)
lib/libflutter_engine.so (optional - overrides system path)
- Sets the JSON configuration file. -
Dart VM arguments - any additional command line arguments not handled get directly passed to the Dart VM instance.
- Sets Application ID. Currently only the primary index app_id value is used.
- Sets cursor theme to use. This only applies to command line, and global parameter options.
- Disables the cursor. This only applies to command line, and global parameter options.
- Enables Backend Debug logic.
- Minimum required. Can be single object or array.
- sets the Bundle Path.
- Currently used for AGL Compositor Window Types. If not running on AGL compositor,
it will create borderless windows in no particular position.
- sets View width. Requires an integer value.
- sets View height. Requires an integer value.
- Bitmask of Engine Accessibility Features. Requires an integer. See flutter_embedder.h for valid values.
- Array of strings which get passed to the VM instance as command line arguments.
- Sets window to fullscreen.
- Setting to 1
FPS count is output to stdout.
- If "fps_output_console"=1
and "fps_output_overlay"=1
the screen overlay is enabled.
- Optional for FPS. Changing value controls the update interval.
Minimum definition when using --j=
If you used this minimum definition, invocation would look something like this
homescreen --j=/tmp/min_cfg.json --b={bundle path} --h={view height} --w={view width}
Loads Two Views
- Gallery app to a 1920x1280 Background window, passing two arguments to the Dart VM
- Video player to Left Panel sized 320x240 with all accessibility features enabled.
"vm_args":["--enable-asserts", "--pause-isolates-on-start"],
homescreen --j=/tmp/bg_left_rel.json
Loads Single View
- Fullscreen Gallery app, cursor disabled, backend debug enabled, passing
values to the Dart VM
homescreen --j=/tmp/bg_dbg.json
Only VM Command Line arguments are additive. Meaning all instances of VM command line references will get added together; JSON view + JSON global + CLI args.
All other parameters get assigned using the following ordering:
- JSON Configuration View object parameters
- JSON Configuration Global (non-view) parameters
- Command Line parameters (Overrides View and Global parameters)
Running EGL backend on a Lenovo Thinkpad with NVidia drivers may generate many GL runtime errors. This should resolve it:
export __EGL_VENDOR_LIBRARY_FILENAMES=/usr/share/glvnd/egl_vendor.d/50_mesa.json
Log out if logged in Login screen Click on username field Right-click on the gear icon below username field, and select "Ubuntu on Wayland" Enter password and login
Defaults to Wayland, no need to do anything special
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kisak/kisak-mesa
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get -y install libwayland-dev wayland-protocols \
mesa-common-dev libegl1-mesa-dev libgles2-mesa-dev mesa-utils \
# To build doxygen documentation
sudo apt-get -y install doxygen
git clone https://github.com/toyota-connected-na/ivi-homescreen.git
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX=`pwd`/out/usr/local
make install -j
git clone https://github.com/toyota-connected-na/ivi-homescreen.git
mkdir build && cd build
CC=/usr/lib/llvm-12/bin/clang CXX=/usr/lib/llvm-12/clang++ cmake .. -DCMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX=`pwd`/out/usr/local
make install -j
wget https://apt.llvm.org/llvm.sh
chmod +x llvm.sh
sudo ./llvm.sh 12
sudo apt-get install -y libc++-12-dev libc++abi-12-dev libunwind-dev
make package -j
sudo apt install ./ivi-homescreen-1.0.0-Release-beta-Linux-x86_64.deb
Confirm flutter/bin is in the path using: flutter doctor -v
cd ~/development/my_flutter_app
flutter channel beta
flutter upgrade
flutter config --enable-linux-desktop
flutter create .
flutter build bundle
loading path for application is: /usr/local/share/homescreen/bundle
This is used to leverage symlinks. Such as:
cd /usr/local/share/homescreen
sudo rm -rf bundle
sudo ln -sf ~/development/my_flutter_app/build/ bundle
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/share/homescreen/my_flutter_app/
sudo cp -r build/* /usr/local/share/homescreen/my_flutter_app/
sudo ln -sf /usr/local/share/homescreen/my_flutter_app/ bundle
Copy a current icudtl.dat to /usr/local/share/flutter
Copy libflutter_engine.so to /usr/local/lib
or use LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point downloaded engine for build:
cd <homescreen build>
Setup custom devices to control ivi-homescreen via debugger.
Path prefix used to determine required files is determined at build.
defaults to /usr/local
For target Yocto builds CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
defaults to /usr