Tested on Raspberry pi 3 on QEMU
Mix of:
- My ideas
- Install dependencies:
apt install clang llvm binutils-aarch64-linux-gnu dosfstools mtools curl gdb-multiarch qemu-system-aarch64
- Install rust:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
- (Default everything)
rustup component add rust-src
rustup override set nightly
- Run it:
cargo run --release
- Install dependencies:
apt install clang llvm binutils-aarch64-linux-gnu dosfstools mtools curl gdb-multiarch
apt install --no-install-recommends qemu-system-aarch64
- Install rust:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
- (Default everything)
source $HOME/.cargo/env
rustup override set nightly
rustup component add rust-src
- Run it:
cargo run --release -- -nographic -monitor none
- Run the kernel (either
cargo run --release
orcargo run-stopped
) ./scripts/gdb_attach.sh
- Copy the "ESR" value
- Run
, and paste it in
- Physical page allocator
- Fixed virtual area for kernel data
- Cooperative multi-tasking for kernel tasks
- Naive executor
- Async-ify
- Maybe Stream-ify
? - Proper executor
- Read from SDHC card
- Print kernel argv
- Switch to EL1 from EL2
- Enable paging for EL1
- CI with Docker + GH actions
- Dynamically sized virtual allocator for kernel data
- Dynamically map pages and allocate page tables
- Exception handling
- Interrupts
- UART1 interrupts
- Timer interrupts
- Multicore
- Park cores properly
- Execute tasks
- Higher-half kernel
- Make use of DTB
- Parse tar initrd
- Run code in EL0 (usermode)
- Paging for usermode
- FAT32 driver
- IPC layer (basic)
- VFS layer?
- Structured Exception Handling
- Simple Bluetooth
- Power management for RPI3
- USB HID Keyboard
- USB CDC Ethernet
- Usermode ICMP ping utility