I am JakubSzukala and I am a Poznan University of Technology graduate. During my studies and internships I worked with wide range of technologies, from embedded programming to machine learning. I also had a brief period when I worked with hardware and PCBs design.
During studies and internships most of my time I spent on:
- Embedded programming - bare metal and with RTOS (Zephyr and little bit of FreeRTOS), I did my engineering thesis on Zephyr RTOS with Bluetooth Low Energy inside Renode simulation and dabbled with arduino and Crazyflie drone peripherals. Apart from that I worked with embedded Linux and U-boot, did some hardware / software hacking with it, I used TFTP protocole to update Linux kernel, UART console, I did some U-boot configuring / hacking, kernel compiling, I worked with memory chips through SPI interface and bunch of other low level stuff.
- C# / Unity programming - I dabbled a little bit with game dev but most work with C# and Unity I did to prepare a reinforcement learning environment for ML Agents, where a toy car, trained with Stable Baselines 3 learns to drive.
- Machine learning - my current interest. Mostly focused now on, but not limited to, vision systems.
I would say that I am generalist and I am interested in a lot of things (as one might say from projects I worked on), but currently I am focusing on machine learning and neural networks. I am trying to seriously get into the field with my masters degree project.
I really love Vim and Linux (using Ubuntu with Regolith (basically i3 for Gnome and Ubuntu)), have been using both in everyday work for ~2 years now. Recently out of necessity switched to VSCode but obviously with Vim motions :)