This is the code for my web portfolio: This is build with React JS and Contentful along with numerous other API's for the "fun code snippet" section This section consists of 4 custom components (planning to build more) for experimental and learning purposes as well as to challenge myself to build something interesting/fun.
- Custom build that will help calculate how much each person owes at the end of dinner.
- Add as many people as you like to split bills.
- Add items that the person ordered.
- Adjust Tax and Tip percentages.
- Dynamic asynchronous requests to get GIFs of the entered search term
- Hooks into giphy API to get GIFs
- Hooks into Open Weather API to get dynamic weather data for LA area.
- Parses the weather and use Open Weather Icons to display flat icons for current weather conditions.
- Real-time dynamic movie data fetched from The Movie DB.
- Parse movies data and display responsively.