Angular 2 Country Picker - Country selector with Bootstrap support by default, but can be used with any other UI framework (e.g. Ionic or Angular Material)
Thanks mledoze's country collection and Open Data Commons for country database.
To install this library, run:
$ npm install angular2-countrypicker --save
Then add CountryPickerModule import to your @NgModule in your Angular AppModule
// Import angular2-countrypicker library
import { CountryPickerModule } from 'angular2-countrypicker';
declarations: [
imports: [
// Specify angular2-countrypicker library as an import
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
Don't forget to add static countries.json and flag svg assets from mledoze's country collection. Using angular-cli, static asset import is not yet supported (angular/angular-cli#3555), so please put required data into assets folder like the example in the sample folder. You can also specify the location of the assets:
imports: [
baseUrl: 'assets/'
Once your library is imported, you can use its components, directives and pipes in your Angular application:
<!-- You can now use your angular2-countrypicker -->
<!-- You can also configure picker -->
<countryPicker [setName]="cca3" [setValue]="ccn2" [flag]="true"></countryPicker>
Alternatively you can CountryPickerService
to get details for each country.
public countries: any[];
constructor(private countryPickerService: CountryPickerService) {
this.countryPickerService.getCountries().subscribe(countries => this.countries = countries);
<md-select name="countrypicker">
<md-option *ngFor="let c of countries">{{}}</md-option>
You can configure component with the following input attributes:
setName: string
- visible name in the country pickersetValue: string
- value to set when an item is selectedflag: boolean
- show flags
Example JSON of country models.
"subregion":"Eastern Europe",
You can check example usage and online demo here.
To generate all *.js
, *
and *.d.ts
$ npm run tsc
To lint all *.ts
$ npm run lint
MIT © Domonkos Pal