Features include an easy to use map functionality, coupled with interactive user interface.
Users are able to see reports from community members about thefts, vandalism, lost and found, etc in list and on a map. Community members can comment on the reports to help recover property and keep each other informed.
- Node.js
- React
- Express
- MongoDB
- Material-UI
- Mongoose
- Leaflet.JS / React Leaflet
- AWS S3 (Image hosting)
- Javascript
Landing Page
Add Report
Report Detail
Report Detail 2
- Show reports based on map boundaries
- Filter reports by category
- Allow user to update their profile, change their password
- Add notifications for users to see if there any comments to their report.
- Add propagation
Logo - Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay
icons -catagory https://www.iconshock.com